spectator mode


Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
i dont know about anyone else but one of my fav parts of tf2 is learning how to become better, this can be done via kill cam, being taken by suprise by somethin really good like a great sg placement or demo hiding place.

However this only limits you to what you already know, and your trained to play in a certain way.
So what i like doing is going into spectator mode and viewing great players because they will obviously play similar to me (being pretty good myself) but they will have different techniques and stuff every once in a while, i cant count the subtle little things i have picked up by watching someone else via spectator mode

however the problem is as soon as that person dies spectator mode goes to someone else and then you have to click click click click etc until you find them again. Surely there shud be a way eg middle mouse click to get a menu of players up so you can select instantly which one you want to watch

what does everyone else think
I agree it would be good to have that if it's not already in. Sometimes you want to watch how a friend you're with is doing (while you scoff a sandwich or something :P).
yeah exactly whilst u take a break for food or a smoke or watever its nice to watch you friend or someone good but when it switches to other ppl when they die its annoying i mean even if it jus went to a random until they respawned