Speculation about the SCORE Magazine review screenshots (WARNING: SPOILER INTENSIVE)


Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, in one screenshot in the Score magazine review we see
that the manipulators beam is blue, and gordons HEV suit has 200hp of armor.
So, taking this into account. Could the Citadels contain some extreme source of energy that powers everything within a certain radius surrounding it? Maybe taking the Citadel down would essentially make the Combines technology useless. Thoughts?
Well, there are multiple Citadels according to the Raising the Bar book preview, so it might not have that big of an effect. Maybe for only that area.
Well Half-Life 1 took us off planet to fight aliens and we have been told that the ending of Half-Life 2 also has a big twist. I was thinking maybe the blue manipulator (you can see a combine elite handing it to the leader dude from Black Mesa in another screenshoot) is tuned to a different gravity setting, say maybe for the gravitational pull of another planet? Just a thought, this is the conspiracy/rumor forum, right?
InvaderScooge said:
Well Half-Life 1 took us off planet to fight aliens and we have been told that the ending of Half-Life 2 also has a big twist. I was thinking maybe the blue manipulator (you can see a combine elite handing it to the leader dude from Black Mesa in another screenshoot) is tuned to a different gravity setting, say maybe for the gravitational pull of another planet? Just a thought, this is the conspiracy/rumor forum, right?

Maybe so, but how come
the HEV suit is at 200%?
e3 video had a blue manipulator too, the the begining anyways.
I read somewhere that
in the citadel, or close to it, your suit power increases and the manipulator beam becomes blue (thereby allowing you to lift heavier stuff like bodies). The citadel must have some sort of generator which makes those stuff more powerful. There is a screenshot somewhere of the manipulator lifting up a combine soldier.
I remember when the first E3 video with the effects examples came out, they showed a body being manipulated. I forget if it was the gun or not. Actually, I have seen so many video clips that I forget if it happened at all! I do seem to remember a body being picked up like tha tthough. Can someone help me figure out what I am thinkin' of?
lotusboy101 said:
I remember when the first E3 video with the effects examples came out, they showed a body being manipulated. I forget if it was the gun or not. Actually, I have seen so many video clips that I forget if it happened at all! I do seem to remember a body being picked up like tha tthough. Can someone help me figure out what I am thinkin' of?
Sounds like that blue laser thingy, physgun or something.. Everything looked so cool and impressive back then. I kinda miss how the general feeling was a year or more ago. Was great seeing that stuff for the first time.
Your guess is right.

That's all I can say.... for now...
There arnt multiple citadels, the bit from raising the bar is old.
lotusboy101 said:
I remember when the first E3 video with the effects examples came out, they showed a body being manipulated. I forget if it was the gun or not. Actually, I have seen so many video clips that I forget if it happened at all! I do seem to remember a body being picked up like tha tthough. Can someone help me figure out what I am thinkin' of?

A body being picked up wasnt that in the test with the barrels falling from the wall?
Dsty2001 said:
woah, who is that girl on your avatar? She is teh hotz0rs
In The Dark Elf's avatar that's Jordan Capri. Total "Shwing" factor.
Argonath said:
In The Dark Elf's avatar that's Jordan Capri. Total "Shwing" factor.

Glad to know I'm not the only one addicted to porn here. :cheers:
i tried following the discusion by not reading the spoilers and tahts pretty hard
Samon said:
There arnt multiple citadels, the bit from raising the bar is old.

The story has changed since then but there are still multiple citadels all over the world.
No, there arnt actually, theres only one, and thats in city 17
the hev at 200% was explained in some review or something (i forget the source) but if the roller mines attack you you lose a little bit of health but gain a little more hev battery. maybe it is the same with some of the enemies or the energy running throughout the citidel
Prove it. Do it, or I'll label you an idiot.

If i did, i would have to kill you

But also, its kinda obvious, what makes city 17 so special? the citadel.

Breens speech says it all
navyseal2004 said:
I read somewhere that
in the citadel, or close to it, your suit power increases and the manipulator beam becomes blue (thereby allowing you to lift heavier stuff like bodies). The citadel must have some sort of generator which makes those stuff more powerful. There is a screenshot somewhere of the manipulator lifting up a combine soldier.

The manipulator can lift up to 250Lbs, so I doubt that because its blue makes any difference to whether it can lift bodies or not.
Maybe, we're confusing citadels (from the raising the bar book) as another term for like an enclave like City 17. I mean maybe the 'citadels' described there (it's from an early build of the game) is a term for the fortified cities rather than that ominous sky-scraper.
Good point Cowboy, because Breen himself refers to City 17 as a citadel.

No, actually, "i thought so much of city 17 that i acted to establish my administration here, in the citadel so forthly provided by our benefactors"

Citadel: A stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle.

Hmm, based on that definition, I'll say that the citadel is the big tower, and City17 is what contains the tower/citadel.
Samon, why do you always have to come and subtly spoil everything with your knowledge of the script?

It's really annoying. I'd like to wallow in my own ignorance and cook up my own theories for once.
Errrm its common knowledge that theres only one citadel...its kinda obvious if you think about it :p