Speed Racer Trailer - New Wachowski Brothers Film

Looks nuts, except it won't play.

What's wrong with the Matrix sequels?



The Wachowski Brothers are doing this!? What. The. ****.
I liked Bound, but only because of Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon getting all lesbian

Anyways, this looks stupid
It looks pretty good, tbh, if in a sort of extreme cartoony kind of way. Never saw much of the cartoon, though.
This is the world's punishment for spawning anime in the first place.
At first I was watching that thinking "Oh god this is so corny, oh my god so cheesey oh my god oh lord no" but then realized that it just has to be on purpose. Which means I'll probably enjoy this if its going to be poking fun at itself. I swear one scene looked like he was about to go "OH AH HEY"
Cliche and lame if plot synopsis I just read is anything to go by.

Edit: we don't get the proper '?' for Clich
I guess I'm fkn slow, as I didn't know this movie was getting made. I think it looks stupidly awesome.