Speeding up windows


Sep 22, 2004
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On my new computer I have far too many processes running in the background.
Can anybody give me a link to a web site that gives you information on what processes are not needed and the best way of sorting this mess out.


Follow the information there. That will stop the processes from even loading when Windows does. The easiest way to find out what each process is, is to copy the item name and type it into www.google.com and click on search. That will give you loads of pages such as liutilities, castle cops and iamnotageek.com and these will tell you exactly what it does.

For example if you go to the Start Up tab of MSCONFIG and see CCAPP in there, go to www.google.com and type CCAPP in. On the search you'll find many results that explain that CCAPP is actually Norton Anti-Virus.

Just go through it like that :)
I should look into this as well, I usually have 40+ processes running :\
I usually have 35 to 40 processes too, but my pc boots nice and fast so its all good. But yeh reducing teh processes at startup can really boost load times etc.
Lahire149 said:

Best tweak site ever.

They've got a couple of links to excellent sites on deleteing startup processes in the TGTC.