Spell Checker


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I just noticed there is a spell checker built-in to this message box :eek:


Am I the only one who didn't notice?

Some of you people really need to use the spell checker. You might learn how to spell before it's too late, instead of habitually spelling words wrong.

Fortunately my spelling is pretty good, but Spicy Tuna yours is not! I'm just picking on you because you came to mind. There are others.


By the way what happened to the spoiler text wrap? How to I wrap text in spoilers I forgot?


EDIT: wow I had 4 typo's on this little post. Spell checker rules.

So after downloading the spell checker should I download an update or was this the download already updated?
eye had a baad speel cheeker
it wasn't vely gut.
it maid mai lettars unreadible
just becos it cood.
know thanx too mai speel cheeker
i doo knot hav a job
juust becos i speel bad
they alle fink i'm a fob.
I take immense pride in my typo-free language use.
Good god. He's right!

TEST: sesquipidalian

You have to download it. D:
I halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plane lee marques four my revue
Miss steaks aye ken knot sea

Eye ran this poem threw it
Your sure reel glad two no
It's vary polished in it's weigh
My chequer tolled me sew

A chequer is a bless sing
It freeze yew lodes of thyme
It helps me awl stiles two reed
And aides mi when aye rime

To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should be proud
And wee mussed dew the best wee can
Sew flaws are knot aloud

And now bee cause my spelling
is checked with such grate flare
Their are know faults with in my cite
Of nun eye am a wear

Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed to be a joule
The chequer poured o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule

That's why aye brake in two averse
My righting wants too pleas
Sow now ewe sea wye aye dew prays
Such soft wear for pea seas
That's what i was aiming for.
How to use the spell checker

Greyfox said:
I honestly cannot find the spellchecker. can you post a screenshot?
Sure man, I will go through the trouble for my pals. Cheers

There are a few words I have been spelling wrong my whole life and wasn't aware. It's hard to break the habit. The spell checker tells me I still spell them wrong sometimes. I'll learn. :)

Here is how to do it: Click there (circled in red in the image) to install it.
Now every time you type a reply on this forum, just click the ABC (circled in red), and it will check your spelling for you.


Advanced: You can even add new 'words' like Wii or Xbox, so that it won't try to 'correct' them next time.
Did you just bump your own damn useless thread?

Cool points..
DreadLord1337 said:
Did you just bump your own damn useless thread?

Cool points..
If you don't know what the hell is going on, just be quiet and act like you do.

Shamrock said:
Search function is your friend. <Insert another comment to make you look stupid here.>
VirusType2 said:
Sure man, I will go through the trouble for my pals. Cheers

There are a few words I have been spelling wrong my whole life and wasn't aware. It's hard to break the habit. The spell checker tells me I still spell them wrong sometimes. I'll learn. :)

Here is how to do it: Click there (circled in red in the image) to install it.
Now every time you type a reply on this forum, just click the ABC (circled in red), and it will check your spelling for you.


Advanced: You can even add new 'words' like Wii or Xbox, so that it won't try to 'correct' them next time.

Thx, but i do not see that. where do I download it

Here is what I see:
Son of a bitch. I just logged in with IE and I can see it.
Grey Fox said:
Son of a bitch. I just logged in with IE and I can see it.

Same here, Firefox doesn't have it, IE does? That doesn't make sense to me. :|
Mutley said:
Same here, Firefox doesn't have it, IE does? That doesn't make sense to me. :|

That suxors. About 70% of all the people here use Firefox. IE FTL
Shakermaker said:
That suxors. About 70% of all the people here use Firefox. IE FTL

/me goes on spelling wrong instead of going to IE :hmph:
Let's make tons of spelling errors on purpose as a protest against only IE support. FF NEDDS SPELLCHECKRE! FF NEED SPELCHECGKER!
Why protest? Only those who use IE would actually have need of a spellcheck.

Sulkdodds said:
Why protest? Only those who use IE would actually have need of a spellcheck.

