Spider-Man 3 FINAL trailer!


Jun 20, 2004
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This trailer has spoiled everything in the movie just so you know. :hmph: http://www.spiderman3oncomcast.com/ Click on trailers and then final movie. I think it might be too much CGI and the love story is REALLY annoying now. Looks pretty cool though. Some rumors are going around saying Mysterio will appear in the very end leading to Spidey 4 though.

God damnit. Its going to suck. I just know it. There going to have him fight Venom in the same movie? Its all gonna be so rushed. He'll have to get rid of the damn suit within the first 30 minutes, because having venom appear just for the last 20 or 30 minutes of the movie is gonna suck.
The first Spider-Man was awesome! I didn't expect anything and when I saw it, woah. Most positive surprise in years for me
So now, Spidey has to fight the Goblin, Sandman, get venom, get rid of it and fight venom. Let's not forget all the 'personnal' scenes, where we see how he has to balance his two lifes, go to work etc. This is going to be a ****ing long movie.
I read a while back that Venom wouldn`t be introduced until the end and that it will set up the next movie
the next movie? I wonder how many movies they're going to make
Ifr venom won't be introduced until the end, why are they spoiling it in the trailer?
Wow, this movie's going to be a ****ing mess.

And from that little glimpse of Venom, he looks shit.
I was expecting a huge steroid using monster.

Like this >
1st was shit
2nd was cool
3rd looks like it has potential to be the best. But Venom looks like a wimp.....
This movie is gonna be ****ing sweet.

1st was shit
2nd was cool
3rd looks like it has potential to be the best. But Venom looks like a wimp.....

I disagree. I liked all 3, especially the first one. I think they've done a good job so far with the movies, and I'm hoping it will continue on through with this 3rd movie.
haha I love that Lord of the Rings reference where Spidey's trying to catch the ring. This movie looks like epic
Bah. I don't see why they would even bother making a third if there going to have him fight venom in this one. Venom deserves his own movie. Plus they got this damn kid to play him. Venom has always been this hulking monster thing, but this one just looks like "SPIDERMENZ BUT WITH CLAWZ AND TEEFZ LOLZ"
Maybe they'll just introduce Venom and leave the battle to Spider-man 4
The goblin thing seems to be over really quickly. The big(-ish) clip that was released had him die at the end.

Apparently (no confirmed source), the venom symbiote gets into/onto Spidey from the fight with him, and was created in Oscorp. Sucky way to do it if true, especially after introducing Jameson's son the astronaut.
Apparently (no confirmed source), the venom symbiote gets into/onto Spidey from the fight with him, and was created in Oscorp. Sucky way to do it if true, especially after introducing Jameson's son the astronaut.

Yeah as soon as I saw this guys son in the second I had a whole thing for how venom was going to be introduced. GUESS NOT. There doing it the way it happens in the Ultimate Universe where its some cancer..saving..shit or something.
Are any of you guys famliar with the concept of an open ending? All problems don't have to be resolved at the end of the movie. The movie can just lead up to a certain point, and the same storyline can continue in the next movie.

Everything doesn't have to be resolved at the end to make the movie good.
Are any of you guys famliar with the concept of an open ending? All problems don't have to be resolved at the end of the movie. The movie can just lead up to a certain point, and the same storyline can continue in the next movie.

Everything doesn't have to be resolved at the end to make the movie good.


Maybe they'll just introduce Venom and leave the battle to Spider-man 4
As Tobes hasn't signed up for the fourth film and has said recently he has little to no desire to do it, I reckon the plot will be pretty conclusive at the end of this one. Raimi once said he had the plan for 6 Spiderman films and that Venom would be in the 5th one, if at all, so he's changed his tune since then. Me thinks this'll be the last one.

Initially they said that Venom only appeared in the last ten minutes of the rather epic 2h30 running time. If that is the case, they have just showed a helluva lot of the last 10 minutes. :x I reckon they've changed a lot of the film since the early stages and made it a lot more about symbiote. I reckon they've even cut one villain right out because there were initially 4. Which is a shame because they had Lizard beautifully set up in Spiderman 2 with Curt Connors.

Perhaps Scorpion appears in the film, purely because I've heard that he's in the game of the film and also because he is currently Venom (III?) in the Spiderman universe which could be a nice link. But then again he was in the game of the first film and that didn't mean he was in the film either.
Edit: Heh. That'll learn me to read the whole post.

And it's not that Tobey doesn't WANT to do it, he has back problems and the role is very taxing. I've read here and there that they're looking at Jake Gyllenhal to take his place, which I wouldn't mind at all.
Jared Leto, Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhal...they're all the same
Seriously. As long as Peter Parker is a soft-spoken nerdy dude, I don't care who's playing him. 'Course Tobey was an excellent casting choice, in my opinion.
Ive actually heard Mysterio appears in the movie, but only as a joke as hes supposed to be played by Bruce Campbell :x
I think the reason why they chose to go for the smooth ninja style Venom instead of a huge steroid monster is because now they don't need to use CGI. It doesn't look that bad
I like the movie style Venom, looks very slick.
I still can't wait for this, as well as The Fantastic 4. I'm a sucker for these movies.

And 157 minutes is the running time of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

