Spider Man 3 news//Die Hard 4 news!!

So Venom is in only for the last 10 minutes eh?
Underworld director? You got to be shitting me.
bam23 said:
So Venom is in only for the last 10 minutes eh?

I knew this for the longest time. It was so obvious.

Harryz said:
Underworld director? You got to be shitting me.

I like him. The underworld movies were kickass.

nutcrackr said:
internet terrorists? sod off

Die Hard always had a weird cheesy story. It was all about BRUCE!!!
Raziel-Jcd said:
I like him. The underworld movies were kickass.

If by "kickass" you mean "festering piles of shit that would cause the late Ghandi to arise from his grave, renounce pacifism, and lay a brutal and bloody siege upon the studio that game them the A-OK stamp", then I would agree.

They were hollow, senseless, undercooked, derivative monuments of crap, with the only saving grace being Kate Beckinsale clad in tight costumes, prancing about with her dark, kinky vampire motif. I had little hope in Die Hard 4, but the news of Wiseman directing has already cemented it in mediocrity, for there can be no other outcome.
if they add another movie to the most awesome action trilogy ever I will seriously gun down the perps

with extreme prejudice
bam23 said:
So Venom is in only for the last 10 minutes eh?

does that mean they are saving Venom for another Spider-Man movie?
if so, good move.
Venom definitely deserves to be a main villian for a Spider-Man movie.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I knew this for the longest time. It was so obvious.
"Knowing it" to me implies that its factuality had reached you already. I know I'm just arguing semantics here but I for one was seeing this statement as implying something more than accurate speculative prediction.

Oh yeah, and ... go spidey.
4 villains! That's a full house!

or wait ... more like four of a kind. I guess a full house would be 3 villains and 2 heroes? :p
Die hard 4 director's resume:

# Underworld: Evolution (2006) (characters) (story)
# Underworld (2003) (story)
... aka Underworld (Germany)

Conclusion. Die Hard 4 will be horible.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I like him. The underworld movies were kickass.
Wait there more than one Underworld?!?!?! Underworld kicked as but theres a 2nd?
Sparda said:
Wait there more than one Underworld?!?!?! Underworld kicked as but theres a 2nd?

Yes, Underworld: Evolution it came out January 20, 2006. I saw it in the theaters and it was better then the 1st. Kickass movie.


btw dont watch trailers they spoil A LOT from the movie. I didnt and i loved that i went without seeing anything about it.
Crisis King said:
Die hard 4 director's resume:

# Underworld: Evolution (2006) (characters) (story)
# Underworld (2003) (story)
... aka Underworld (Germany)

Conclusion. Die Hard 4 will be horible.


Die Hard 1 was good, 2 and 3 were meh... 4 looks like it will blow chunks. :(
AiM said:

Die Hard 1 was good, 2 and 3 were meh... 4 looks like it will blow chunks. :(

Die Hard 1 and 3 were equal to me 2 was alright.
They're all classics though, does this new one have justin timberlake in it? if so i can't waitzzz!!
Kate in Underworld is effing hot, the director of it is her husband, lucky bastid. :(
The world needs more mindless action movies, just like the early 90's was with Lethal Weapon and all
All of these movies do absolutely nothing for me. Die Hard was fun way back when, but it sucks now. A new Superman turns my stomach and Spiderman belongs in the comics--the big screen has been not so nice to him imho. The effects are horrible and the actors blow. Oh well. At least Batman Begins ruled!
isnt bruce willis too old for a 4 die hard?

he hav no hair anymore

but he will be remenbered as that cool bald action hero