Spider-Man: Web of Shadows


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
The project's favored buzzword is "fluidity." The basic beat-em-up roots of previous Spider-Man titles have been upgraded so that each movement can be strung together with the next, allowing for what appears to be a very graceful but visceral combat system. And though Spidey looks awfully cinematic leaping from enemy to enemy, the developers assure us that the game won't play itself. The player must expertly time each step in a combo string, right down to actually pressing a button to kick a group of enemies as you swing through them.
Soooooooo..... a new sandbox Spider-Man title on the horizon. I really liked Spider-Man 2 on the Gamecube and got a few kicks out of Ultimate Spider-Man, but the third game (like the movie) was crappy.

After reading the article I'm not 100% sold on the fact that this will be any different from previous games. The experience points are just a different version of the hero points in Spidey 2 which you would use to buy new combat moves, and I don't like the sound of this WoW "zone" crap.

Yes yes, the symbiote suit has been promised but will it actually make any difference? There was bugger all difference in the third game really.

What I'd really like from a Spidey game in this generation is to keep the RPG element that has been promised, remove the zones and let you start out the game as ordinary Peter Parker before the powers and the costume. Give the player a true sense of scope from the city without any superpowers to help you get around and then when it all kicks off the experience will be all the sweeter. It'd be great to things like custom costumes along with the usual moral choice situation. I could dig that.

Read about this. Wasn't that impressed.

Considering I just watched Spiderman 3 last night, I'm even less impressed.