

Feb 2, 2006
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So I have splinter in my index finger which makes it very hard to type so please excuse any spelling errors. Anyway I have tried pushing it out and pulling it out and briefly cutting it out. Nothing is working. It is not large at all so I was thinking just let it stay in there and it will go away sometime or another but I don't want it to get infected. Do you guys have any techniques on getting them out?
Soak your hand (finger) for about 20 min in warm water and try again with some tweezers. If it's in there, you can cut some of the skin away without bleeding so you can maybe get down to it.

A better way might be to just go ahead now and chop the finger off. No need to worry over infections or discomfort after that. :D
When I was 6 I got a small splinter stuck in the palm of my hand. I never got it removed, and it is still there, you can quite clearly see it. I'd have to rip out a chunk of flesh to get it though, and like, just no way.
I used to have a HORRENDOUS phobia of splinters. It ended when I was on a trip to Florida, and I ran up a ladder barefoot, ending up with six or seven 3/4-inch-long chunks of wood in my foot. At that point, it was pretty much either man up or have a nervous breakdown.
put a flame under yor balls and juggle at the same time, should help
When I was 6 I got a small splinter stuck in the palm of my hand. I never got it removed, and it is still there, you can quite clearly see it. I'd have to rip out a chunk of flesh to get it though, and like, just no way.

When I was about 8 I got a sliver of metal in the tip of my thumb, and it hurts like hell to press on the one spot on my thumb (over the years I've learned not to use that spot to press or grab things). I'd have cut deep into my thumb to get it out too.

Whats crazy is some magnets that are strong enough will pull on it :p
Can't believe nobody knows this but if you put some nail polish over it, it'll suffocate the skin and it will come to the surface in a couple of days. Simple.
That actually is crazy. How horrible would it be if you like, came across some like, SUPER MAGNET.

Surprisingly nothing. I had an MRI scan (full body) a few years ago and it didn't do anything. I thought it would shoot out of my thumb but I guess it was too small to attract through my skin.

Still, its fun to stick some small and powerful magnets to my thumb and go "oooo ahhhhh look its fused with my skin... whats holding it there?!?" to my friends
Surprisingly nothing. I had an MRI scan (full body) a few years ago and it didn't do anything. I thought it would shoot out of my thumb but I guess it was too small to attract through my skin.

Still, its fun to stick some small and powerful magnets to my thumb and go "oooo ahhhhh look its fused with my skin... whats holding it there?!?" to my friends

And then they are like "dude, its the ****ing metal sliver in your thumb! Youve shown us this multiple times already!"
attack it with a needle until you get it out

that's what my mum used to do

Oh, the horror :(

Oh god... my aunt does this to her kids. They get something like a pimple or small skin defect, and she tries to claw it out with her fingernails until its gone.

She's a good natured, intelligent woman, but I think she's a little crazy when it comes to that.
Can't believe nobody knows this but if you put some nail polish over it, it'll suffocate the skin and it will come to the surface in a couple of days. Simple.

ur thinking of chiggers. and that actually doesn't work since chiggers don't "bury" themselves in your skin like people think.
ur thinking of chiggers. and that actually doesn't work since chiggers don't "bury" themselves in your skin like people think.

No it works for anything, hair, splinters, anything.

Oh, and ermmmm, WTF is a chigger? lol
I would rather my limb get infected and have to be removed before I put nail polish on myself. That's just crazy talk.