Splitting Off Topic.


Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
So here's an idea that DeusExMachina brought up that I've seen work on other forums. I think it would keep the spam where it belongs and out of the topics that people seriously want to talk about. I can't believe it didn't occur to me: Making off topic into two sections. One with a more laid back approach to the section. People could post links, vids, whatever, but just make it only slightly moderated to keep things from getting out of hand. Make another, heavily moderated Off Topic for serious discussion where any post not relevant is deleted ASAP. So one Off Topic for fun, another for discussion. On other forums as I've said, I've seen it work. What do you think?
It would work but I recall one of the administrators saying "We will never have a spam and crap forum."

Yeah, we could do that. On the other hand, people could just not spam because it's stupid and moronic. It's not like you build up a reserve throughout the day and need to vent it somewhere.
That'd work I guess.

One not so much as a spam gutter, but as an off topic forum, as formentioned.

One would be called "Off Topic Discussions", the other could be called "Everything Else".

One could be keept to serious topics, posts and discussions, the other could be just whatever the hell you want. A place to start forum games and post random pictures of horses.
But then wouldn't the less moderated one just get extremely pointless threads and spam to increase post count :|
you could even have a spam forum...there are places that do that and it doesnt increase your post count so people can just post anything...
I think sourceball.com has one....

i think.....
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea. All a 'spam forum' does is create a horrible no-go zone for any sane members; dividing off-topic seems pointless at best if it's not going to go as far as creating an actual spam forum. Which, as I just said, is a bad idea. D:
Sulkdodds said:
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea. All a 'spam forum' does is create a horrible no-go zone for any sane members; dividing off-topic seems pointless at best if it's not going to go as far as creating an actual spam forum. Which, as I just said, is a bad idea. D:

The almighty has spoken ;)
sinkoman said:
That'd work I guess.

One not so much as a spam gutter, but as an off topic forum, as formentioned.

One would be called "Off Topic Discussions", the other could be called "Everything Else".

One could be keept to serious topics, posts and discussions, the other could be just whatever the hell you want. A place to start forum games and post random pictures of horses.

but i agree, a forum for games and just general arsing about might be a good idea, games being fun and all:hmph:
Axyon said:
Yeah, we could do that. On the other hand, people could just not spam because it's stupid and moronic. It's not like you build up a reserve throughout the day and need to vent it somewhere.
Amen, but let me know how that works out. I'm not saying the mods allow complete madness, just make one that's more informal with looser rules. Still no forum games, those are just pointless but people could get silly if they want to sometimes. It happens to the best of us, honestly. Of course, no ASCII breasts made from thread topics, but people could be weird. Make the other one super moderated, no abuse, no img tags, warnings abound, nothing off topic from the thread. Just discussion.
Greatgat said:
Amen, but let me know how that works out. I'm not saying the mods allow complete madness, just make one that's more informal with looser rules. Still no forum games, those are just pointless but people could get silly if they want to sometimes. It happens to the best of us, honestly. Of course, no ASCII breasts made from thread topics, but people could be weird. Make the other one super moderated, no abuse, no img tags, warnings abound, nothing off topic from the thread. Just discussion.
Perhaps I worded it a little awkwardly - I wasn't agreeing with your suggestion in any way.
Axyon said:
Perhaps I worded it a little awkwardly - I wasn't agreeing with your suggestion in any way.
No, I got that. I was being facetious. I still think it may work though.
Axyon said:
Yeah, we could do that. On the other hand, people could just not spam because it's stupid and moronic. It's not like you build up a reserve throughout the day and need to vent it somewhere.

really? my spam-o-meter is reaching critical mass


...must spam ..ok I'll do it somewhere else

edit: does this post constitute as spam cuz I can stay on topic:

no splitting
Keep off-topic "off-topic" and make politics "serious dicussion"
Nothing changes, and people have a place for serious topics
It would work in a perfect world. However, what would happen is, the nonserious forum would just degenerate into a complete spam forum, because people would only want to post their topics in the non-spam section, EVEN THOUGH he doesn't mind a little spam. If he posted it in the spammy section, a bunch of spammers will eat it alive, and probably won't get any views by a person who likes to stay ontopic.
Axyon said:
Yeah, we could do that. On the other hand, people could just not spam because it's stupid and moronic. It's not like you build up a reserve throughout the day and need to vent it somewhere.
quoted for truth.
Greatgat said:
So here's an idea that DeusExMachina brought up that I've seen work on other forums. I think it would keep the spam where it belongs and out of the topics that people seriously want to talk about. I can't believe it didn't occur to me: Making off topic into two sections. One with a more laid back approach to the section. People could post links, vids, whatever, but just make it only slightly moderated to keep things from getting out of hand. Make another, heavily moderated Off Topic for serious discussion where any post not relevant is deleted ASAP. So one Off Topic for fun, another for discussion. On other forums as I've said, I've seen it work. What do you think?

Damn, seems you already posted a thread on this :p

Along with Greatgat's suggestion, we could also change the Politics forum to the "Serious Discussion" forum so people can post other things besides political stuff. It works well at a forum I moderate and we've had no troubles so far.

And I'm still awaiting a Literature forum.
Literature section? *Drool* But yeah, I made sure to credit you since it was your idea. The mods don't seem to be going for it though. Still, I like the idea.
Thats okay, it's up to munro in the end not the mods and munro doesn't like changes lolol.

<3 munro really
i'm up for a Literature section

back on topic: having a split section, wouldn't work well; spam attracts more spam...
But having a "Serious Discussion" could work well...
Maybe you could make a thread-games (3 word story, picture fight etc.) forum that doesn't increase your post count.
ríomhaire said:
Maybe you could make a thread-games (3 word story, picture fight etc.) forum that doesn't increase your post count.

Thats quite an awful idea :P
Well, If we do that which don't get me wrong I think it is a good idea. We should not make post counts count in that section. Just an idea.
Fat Tony! said:
Thats quite an awful idea :P
I don't understand why it's awful. The people want this. And you guys are sort of suffering from a loss of great members. If you want a more enjoyable community, how exactly would a section like this hurt? It would help greatly, that's what it would do.

I'm starting to lose interest in HL2.net, believe it or not, and something like this would keep me coming back more.
vegeta897 said:
I don't understand why it's awful. The people want this. And you guys are sort of suffering from a loss of great members. If you want a more enjoyable community, how exactly would a section like this hurt? It would help greatly, that's what it would do.

I'm starting to lose interest in HL2.net, believe it or not, and something like this would keep me coming back more.
You'd come to a site solely to play 3-letter word games?

A section like this would essentially legalise spam - it ain't happening.

We have always maintained we will not have a spam forum.
vegeta897 said:
I don't understand why it's awful. The people want this. And you guys are sort of suffering from a loss of great members. If you want a more enjoyable community, how exactly would a section like this hurt? It would help greatly, that's what it would do.

I'm starting to lose interest in HL2.net, believe it or not, and something like this would keep me coming back more.

The people aren't getting it.
"The goverment should never do what the people want, but should do what is best for the people." -Some guy
ComradeBadger said:
You'd come to a site solely to play 3-letter word games?

A section like this would essentially legalise spam - it ain't happening.

We have always maintained we will not have a spam forum.
I don't see why you have to equate game threads to spam (though they can degrade into it quite easily).
ComradeBadger said:
You'd come to a site solely to play 3-letter word games?
No... I said it would make me visit more.
ComradeBadger said:
A section like this would essentially legalise spam - it ain't happening.

We have always maintained we will not have a spam forum.
I understand, nevermind me.
I agrea with vegetablenumbers

But if you don't want a spam forum
At least open politics to all serious discussion :/
I must say, feel free to use off topic for serious discussion, that's fine - that's what it used to be used for, with fun topics mixed in.
I think the problem is that less than serious responses are posted in the serious threads because of the laid back off topic enviroment
As opposed to the politics enviroment which solicits serious responses

or at least i assume thats the problem
God knows i don't post serious topics
vegeta897 said:
I'm starting to lose interest in HL2.net, believe it or not, and something like this would keep me coming back more.

Ok, so that's a reason to not do it...