*Spoilers* What we know about the G-man


Nov 8, 2004
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Well, I've just played Episode Two, and it was epic. The most interesting thing we'ev learned is about the G-man. We now know the following things:

- The G-man pulled Alyx out of Black Mesa, for reasons unknown.

- The G-man was the person who delivered the test sample to Eli in Black Mesa.

- Eli Vance evidently knew a lot more about him than we did.

So, why would the G-man carry out points one and two? What does this reveal about his character? Your thoughts on the matter :)
I wonder if Breen hired the Gman to get the test sample for him.

They made a point in HL1 of highlighting the "great lengths" gone through for it by the Administrator, after all.
As always, we have more questions than answers. I'm pretty confused as to why G-Man helps humanity, but at the same time causes trouble for them. He set up the resonance cascade incident and whispered "Unforseen Consequences" into Eli's ear right before the incident. Then we find out that the Borealis can be used to set up a portal similiar to the Black Mesa Incident, to which the G-man whispers "Unforseen Consequences" again. Is the G-Man trying to setup another Resonance Cascade or something similiar? What are his goals? Who is he working for?
Anyone notice the distinctly small amount of times the G-man is seen or talks in EP2?

Its like..one big long speech and a few sightings...thats it?
Well that is how HL1 was...he had two speaches and many sightings in HL2...and then the 1 speach and no sightings in Ep1...
- The G-man pulled Alyx out of Black Mesa, for reasons unknown.

True, we aren't given an explicit reason, but as the G-man stated:

"When I plucked her from Black Mesa, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. I have learned to ignore such naysayers when...quelling them was out of the question. Still, I am not one to squander my investments, and I remain confident she was worth far more than the initial appraisal."

Sounds to me like he foresaw Alyx's abilities so he intervened and allowed her to survive. I don't think this means G-man can see the future, as his peers weren't convinced she was worth the effort.

What is clear, however, is that the G-man has been planning the events currently transpiring for years. I wouldn't be surprised if it is revealed that Freeman has been monitored since well before his days at Black Mesa. I also wouldn't be surprised if Alyx and Freeman weren't the only "agents" of the G-man
Maybe he is a Q from the Star Trek saga!? :p
Maybe he CAN see the future,how else do you explain the "Prepare for unforseen consequences" but he certanly is strange
- The G-man was the person who delivered the test sample to Eli in Black Mesa.

About that, can we say that Breen was working with or even employed the G-Man? Because in HL1 it is said that the Administrator "went to great lengths" to get the sample, by some scientists.

Perhaps Valve forgot about that statement, because the story has undergone many changes since then (Valve seems to make it up as they go along, not meant in a derogatory way) but just pointing it out.
"Unforeseen consequences... [laugh] The last time I heard those words was back at Black Mesa. You had just stepped into the test chamber when he whispered them in my ear. You know who I'm talking about. Our mutual friend. When he brought in that crystal I knew I... I should have aborted that damned test. I didn't. The whole world went to hell that day. And now... Now he's using my little girl. Putting words in her mouth. God damn it! I should have know when he rescued her it was for his own damn reasons. Gordon... There's so much I need to tell you. Between us we may finally have a chance to--- what else was on his agenda. but there's still so much."
"When he brought in" doesnt mean GMan brought the crystal directly to him. I think Eli meant "When he brought in that crystal to Black Mesa"

HL1: "The administrator is concerned we get a conclusive analysis of todays sample. I gather they went to some lengths to get it."

Breen most definitely knows GMan. Especially after this HL2 comment:

BREEN: "Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder?"
Perhaps Valve forgot about that statement, because the story has undergone many changes since then (Valve seems to make it up as they go along, not meant in a derogatory way) but just pointing it out.

I have the impression that the majority has been planned. I mean, the Gman saving Alyx from Black Mesa storyline has been planned for some time, I think. And, it's interesting because Laidlaw said that the test chamber crystal was from Nihilanths lair; now, we can relate that to the fact that we know Gman supplied it...and that goes straight into "You are a man...he is not a man."
G-man was a liason for Breen, one of "the administrator's men."

Check your old gcf/pak files from HL1, scientists sounds, c1a1 or c1a2, I believe.

He most definately knows him because he employed him.
I just had the craziest idea evar: Breen got his place as the Administrator of Earth thanks to G-Man, who surrendered Earth to Combine on Breen's behalf.
Well, I've just played Episode Two, and it was epic. The most interesting thing we'ev learned is about the G-man. We now know the following things:

- The G-man pulled Alyx out of Black Mesa, for reasons unknown.

- The G-man was the person who delivered the test sample to Eli in Black Mesa.

- Eli Vance evidently knew a lot more about him than we did.

So, why would the G-man carry out points one and two? What does this reveal about his character? Your thoughts on the matter :)

I think we should also add that the G-Man may have control of Xen. Taken from a direct quote from the G-Man in Half Life 1:

"The border world, Xen, is in our control for the time being thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impresssssed."

Could this be the secret to G-Man's motives? Or maybe even how he recieved his ability to bend time and reality?
This sounds like a really strange theory, but could the G-man have things to gain by having open portals to Earth in general? He has effectively done this three times now - the initial resonance cascade, then the aftermath portal storms, then the combine superportal. Now he seems to have some connection to the Borealis, where it could start all over again. Maybe portal energy is a commodity to him, much like the larval extract to the vortigaunts.
Well, GMan handed over the crystal which caused the resonance cascade that effectively tipped off the world to the fact that Black Mesa had been opening portals. The portal storms that followed may have actually made it harder for outside forces to open a portal to earth, we have no idea. Then he sets up Freeman and the resistance so that they can succeed in taking out the Combine administartion buidling, which is where they seem to house their one and only portal. Lastly he's seen around while Freeman makes his way to White Forest with Alyx as he instructs Freeman to do, which ultimately causes the end of the superportal.
It's all about perspective and throughout the whole thing what the GMan's motives are, and even what he gains out of any given situation remain unclear at best.
Is it just me or did anyone else notice a little detail.
the vorts ask freeman to aid them in bringing alyx back yeah? they say "a human is needed". which then is followed by the vorts mentioning weaving the two together, as in connecting gordon and alyx. now to me this sounds like a nice little bargaining chip for the gman. he says that when he "plucked" her out of black mesa, certain people disagreed with the use of a child. now to me she sounds pivatol to the entire story from now on. as in he could use alyx against gordon big time. having said they are now connected, I recon this is bad news for both. what would happen to the other if one died? so I think if gordon starts to bite, the gman will have someone to threaten him with
Yeah, its been mentioned a couple times...
HL1: "The administrator is concerned we get a conclusive analysis of todays sample. I gather they went to some lengths to get it."

I don't think "great lengths" refers directly to effort or social connections, but rather the literal meaning of the fact the crystal came from an entirely different dimension far from Earth.
Let us not forget it was also originally associated with the 2 human bodies we found on Xen as well...