Spoony reviews Final Fantasy 8: Part 8


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Holy shit, over a year since his last stab at this and he's finally come back to it. Warning: it's just over half an hour long, but it's ****ing worth it just for his commentary. I played the game and I didn't pick up on half the insane shit he points out (granted I was younger and more naive).


And a bite-sized version if you don't want to load it hi-res for whatever reason:


And the first seven parts if you have no idea what I'm talking about (scroll down):


haha wow, I was gonna blow this off cause I have fond memories of FFVIII but wow these vids remember sure do point out how SHIT the story is. Nice, his other reviews look interesting too.
Hahaha, I like this guy, I think I'll watch him from now on. Reminded me why I am such a FF hater.
lol you guys really need to watch his other game reviews like phantsmagoria. This dude is ten times better than yahtzee and AVGN. His review of "The Thing" made me chuckle too.
Yeah, I think I prefer him to Yatzeeh because he's far less restricted by a single format and his personality is quite amusing.
Spoony has gotten big over the years; so big that youtube would be liable to lock his account.