Spray Help...


Nov 8, 2004
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I've been sitting here for two hours trying make this transparent, however I can't do it. I've searched for tutorials and whatnot but I can't find any. If someone can make the background of this transparent and maybe the shadow look like it's actually casting a shadow, then I would really appreciate it. As well, anyone would be able to use it. The image is attached below.
pm ur e-mail because i can't send you the file through here. i tried it in game and it works.
Heh, thanks. Nice tutorial, though I get lost on the part where it says open Photoshop.
Bah, says I can't PM my e-mail, must be a member for five days. Well, my e-mail is valor5 [at] gmail [dot] com, just replace with @ and .
hey valor5 mind if i borrow it too :-) pimp spray by the way ;-)
Nick, can you try Zipping the file up and attaching it so everyone can use it?
that would be awsome...i wish i could use a different program instead of paint...lol maybe its time to spend some time with the old tutorial and me...LAME
Mmm had a friend make it and send it to me as psd (Photoshop format). But when I try to save it it gets screwed. Seems .gif doesn’t support alpha blending and .tga removes alpha all together. Help anyone ?
ok here it is. Remember:

This is the Targa file (.tga) of the spray. Download the vtex program at
the end of that tutotrial I posted (direct link:

1. Place the newly created TGA file in the following folder: *
2. Run the file tga2vtf.bat to create the VTF file
3. Move the newly created *.vtf and *.vmt files from*
vtex\hl2\materials\sprays and put them in the following directory:

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\your-user-details\counter-strike
source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos"

Select the new spray in the options menu of CS:S before connecting to
a server.
nick_t said:
ok here it is. Remember:

This is the Targa file (.tga) of the spray.

Hmmm and in this .tga the shadow fades from black to alpha ? or from black to white ?

I cant test it right now (@ work) but by looking at alpha channel I see that the shadow is all white. That means full visible, right ? So the shadow would actually fade to white. I made one that I think would actually fade to alpha. What I did is painted the shadow all black, and used Gradient Tool on alpha channel to make the part of the shadow fade … I think this will work.

I’ll let u know when I get home…
