Spray Please


Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone would do me a favour and draw me a design that i could use as a spray (and possibly a decal in maps - if used all cred will be given)

I only ask this as i was born with a deficiency in art...not even my stick figures look like stick figures...

Anyway, what i was hoping for was "sabre0001" in a graffiti style or possibly a logo behind...

Thanks if anyone is interested :thumbs:
wow cool - honestly didnt expect rapid responses and also expected a negative attitude towards asking...thanks very much...much appreciated.
OK I made the spray in about 10 mins but I spent a good 40 mins trying to get the transparency to work - to no avail. I'm no photoshop novice either. I made a spray for myself with working transparency, and I even went so far as to open that old file up and just replace color and alpha layers and save to a .tga. I can't get it to work though. I'm convinced that it's buggy cs:s not converting correctly.

Anyway, here's the .psd of the spray, if a kind soul could get the transparency working that would be great, apologies sabre0001, that I couldn't do it all the way.
What does - cs? or photoshop? I can open the file I posted here in photoshop fine. Shall I resave it or something? I used photoshop 6.0.

lol wait.... did you just try to import a .psd straight into cs:s? :dozey: :rolleyes: I posted a .psd not a .tga!
Just tried it again for the umpteenth time. Comes out with no alpha channel even though the saved .tga has one.
No, it's not that, I was saving in 24bit. Knew it was something simple like that. Thanks though. I'll post a download and screens in a sec.
very, very cool - thanks very much m8! Hopefully i can put it to good use...