

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
When Gordon goes after the antlions who are getting mowed down by the turrets, he seems to move faster then normal as he ducks into the side room. I think this might be evidence of some sort of sprint key like in DOD. Can you guys see this too?

i hate sprint keys that would be horrible!

ye i was thinking the same to, and there are other occasions where he seems to be running faster to...
I think you might be right - and I think perhaps if you sprint it drains a bit of your suit power or something.
purhaps there is a walk key and he was simply walking before. Like in CS. I believe this is more likely. Just a thought :)
I thought about that too but he was moving pretty fast already. About as fast as you did in HL1.

yeah, your probably right. the vid stuters on PC anyway. I am getting a new one soon though, dont worry :)
Yeah, I noticed that too. Having a Sprint key isn't to bad. Maybe it will be like in Vice City...Jam the shift key a hold bunch of times to go fast.
I noticed an increase in speed a few times in the bugbait video, so I was wondering about this too. Sprint keys are AWESOME, I sure hope HL2 has the feature.

I just emailed Gabe and asked him about this. Hopefully I'll get a response...
Gabe has confirmed that there is a sprinting key.
I hate the dod's sprint. You can sprint for 1 second, and then you cant even jump. I hope HL2's sprint wont be like that.
How come you didn't post Gabe's actual words?
i bet there will be both a walk and run key so you have three options.. so how about crouching..are there gonna be 3 positions( standing, crouch, and lying down) ?
Originally posted by Nuclear_Gerber
I hate the dod's sprint. You can sprint for 1 second, and then you cant even jump. I hope HL2's sprint wont be like that.
DoD's sprint is perfect. You sprint for more than one second... I'm pretty sure it's somewhere inbetween 3-5 seconds. And yes, you can jump, I do it all the time. Sprint, jump, go prone... it makes for a nice dive. Crouch for a few seconds and you can do it again.
Originally posted by Apos
How come you didn't post Gabe's actual words?

-----Original Message-----
From: Yeager, Christopher [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 11:49 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: Sprinting question and G-Dawg pictures:

Okay, first the question:

Watching the bugbait video, I noticed that there are a few times when the
player seems to move with increased speed. Will there be a special key in
HL2 that allows the player to sprint for a limited amount of time (ala Day
of Defeat)?

Secondly, here are some pictures of the G-Dawg for your enjoyment.

Pimp style: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/klaha/gdawg2.jpg
Gangster style: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/klaha/gdawg3.jpg


Chris Yeager
[email protected]
I had already posted it in the Valve info thread, just not in here.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I prefer a walk key to a sprint key.
Why not both?
Originally posted by Apos
How come you didn't post Gabe's actual words?

The e-mail is in the VALVe info thread, all he said was "yes".

edit: beat me too it :bonce:
The sprint key gives feeling too, I love running from nades and explosions (like in DoD and GTA3)
It definately gives feeling. When you need to run from something to save your life, you're not going to move at the same speed you normally do when just walking around. It's much more satisfying to run from something with all your might...
Sprinting is a good thing for those annoying people who use rocket launchers to much or on-contact grenades. You can run away as fast as you can. You may suffer some damage, but at least you won't be dead.
i for one am happy and i trust valve to do it right.

In DOD it makes it feel like you have that much more control over your actions :)
Sprint key is a must; or maybe run is default, and another key is walk, but you can choose

I hate any fps game with snail movement, very unrealistic and annoying when moving over large areas
I like the sprit key, you can cross a line of fire and get to cover, i hope its like day of defeat, where you cant shoot while your running
Originally posted by symptom
Why not both?

The less keys there are, the better. My right hand is on the mouse, four fingers on the arrow keys and I can barely reach the crouch button.

Why would I want to be contantly holding another key just to move at a descent pace? They had this in GTA: Vice City and it was annoying. Heck even a walk button is kind of useless, if you need to go slower you can just stop from time to time.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
The less keys there are, the better. My right hand is on the mouse, four fingers on the arrow keys and I can barely reach the crouch button.

Why would I want to be contantly holding another key just to move at a descent pace? They had this in GTA: Vice City and it was annoying. Heck even a walk button is kind of useless, if you need to go slower you can just stop from time to time.

WASD or bust!

Get out of the past man, abandon those useless arrow keys.
I use the arrow keys an LMAO every key around them is pretty much used. The "\" key above the enter key is usually my "go prone" in DoD and now will be used for sprinting in HL2

Same here, arrow keys are what I use and have always used. WASD just feels too crowded. Anyway i am damn sure that you will be able to have run default. In most games i've played running is default, and you have to hold down a button to either walk slowly or run faster so i don't see what the problem is.
I would also like if the sprinting could be convigured ala America's Army game where you tap the forward button twice and you sprint (L33T!!)
Yeah, LoneDeranger you definately need to change your control configuration. In my opinion, the more keys there are, the better. The game becomes deeper and harder to master, which is something I really desire in a game.

I've got a really strange control setup:
mouse1: attack
mouse2: forward
mouse3: altfire
z: strafe left
x: strafe right
shift: backpedal
c: crouch
space: jump
ctrl: sprint

I've been playing that way since Quake and it works great for me :)
It really isn't that hard to get used to a different control configuration though. From playing on other peoples computers occasionally, I've pretty much adapted to be able to use WASD (my way is still the best). My friends have adapted to my controls as well, from playing over my house. Changing from arrows to WASD shouldn't be a hard move, the orientation of the keys is still almost exactly the same.
I can't get used to wasd; and the arrow keys aren't useless; mouse 1 = fire, mouse 2 = jump, mouse 3 = reload, keypad 0=special function, ctrl=use, enter=crouch, shift=walk, etc, etc.
sprint keys just piss me off cause when the sprint power is over i get so annoyed.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
Same here, arrow keys are what I use and have always used. WASD just feels too crowded. Anyway i am damn sure that you will be able to have run default. In most games i've played running is default, and you have to hold down a button to either walk slowly or run faster so i don't see what the problem is.
I'm not positive, but I don't think you understand the kind of sprinting we are talking about. It's faster than running and can only be done for a limited amount of time because your stamina will drain. In DoD, you can't attack while sprinting and hopefully it'll be the same way for HL2. It's only to be used when you need to run away from danger or something.
Or you can charge at that stupid ant lion guard and toss him back a mile with your head. Heh, that would be a great mod (NOT!)
well seeing that VALVE is doing it, im pretty sure they found a way to make SPRINT really cool. BUt i hate it in the GTA3/VC
How could anybody not like sprinting in the GTA games... it made it possible for you to actually get away from things.

WASD is great for someone who is right-handed... myself being a southpaw it's impossible to use. Not impossible but seemingly pointless.
arrow keys have never failed me yet

mouse 1 fire, mouse 2 jump, scroll wheel click alt fire, scroll wheel scroll switch guns, mouse 4 reload, mouse 5 misc

ins_0 zoom, (or prone, depending on game) ctrl crouch, shift walk, space use.

Anything else is ussually mapped to end, page down or enter or any other keys by letter association. My mouse treats its mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons as delete and backspace as they are extra buttons and i like using my mouse for back space and delete.
I use the WASD setup and I still feel like I don't have enough buttons...

BTW, I think the sprint is more for gunfights (taking cover etc), not for getting from one place to another faster.
I think that WASD may be a little difficult for some people because it requires some muscle memory, what with all the keys so close together. Personally, I love the WASD setup because I have control of so many things (ex: I can jump, switch weapons, turn around 180 degrees, get into a crouched position, and fire all in one motion) when:

w= forward
s= reverse
a= strafe left
d= strafe right

r= reload
e= use
q= last used weapon
tab= scoreboard
shift= walk
control/spacebar= jump
f= flashlight

mouse1= primary fire
mouse2= secondary fire
middlemousebtn= use
mouse4 (thumb)= crouch
mousescroll= next/previous weapon

Plus all of the weapon numbers (1,2,3,4,5...) are right above my left hand. Just feels right.