Spy MMO announced


May 5, 2004
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hmmm not sure if they fully thought this one out ...what's the use of it being a MMO if you wont ever see anyone cuz they'll be be hiding in the shadows all spy like?

Stern enters Kremlin

Stern: hey where is everybody?


Stern slumps to floor, 37 blowdarts protruding from neck

but stealth doesnt seem to be the focus of the game ...it does sound interesting and if they manage to make anywhere as good as No One Lives Forever they could have a huge hit on their hands ...but this is sony we're talking about ..their track record with MMO's is less than stellar

Sony Online Entertainment is fed up of men in tights and strangling itself in the fantasy genre, which is why its swapped maces for silencers, and delved into the world of espionage.

Its new game, a spy-themed MMO, looks set to feature a strong team-orientated focus, with a big emphasis on objective based PvP.

Speaking at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas this week, SOE president John Smedley confirmed the game's tuxedo-like existence, and was keen to highlight the various influences for the project.

"It's not really just an espionage game," he told our sister site GamesIndustry.biz. "It's a combination of espionage... Think 24 meets Alias meets Counter-Strike."

although that last line doesnt lead me to believe they're going for a NOLF type of game ..oh well they'll probably take all the fun out the premise, realize their mistake 6 months after release and change the game so that James Bond is the only character class
As long as they don't do it "LOL CARTOON MOCK-40's SPY MOVIE" like Evil Genius, I want some proper spy shit negro
For once, I want a game to be as realistic as possible. That'd be cool. :E And here's hoping that the team that work on it are some of the ex-Planetisde lot. It could be epic.
Counter Strike: MMO. I hear the twelve year olds rejoicing.