Spyware help, ist.bar


Dec 13, 2004
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I recently had to reinstall windows, due to me stuffing up an installation of linux.

But, now that it iis up and running, I am being hit by spyware from everywhere. I had this happen before, but by installing Microsoft antispyware, and Pc-cillin, I was spyware free. However, the register page for pc-cillin is down, and I have been hit by ist.bar, which displays a popup windows on startup, and crashes ie, causing great delays.

I have installed Adaware SE Personal, Spybot-S&D, Microsoft Antispyware, PC-cillin (unregistered), and Spyware Doctor. Spyware doctor can remove ist.bar, but it finds a way of redownloading itself on startup.

Can anybody recommend a programs or fix for ist.bar?
Hit by spyware.. u just installed windows and computers are attacking yours?
You have a simple email address?

could it be where you surfed after installing windows?

do these things I have called a hardware firewall help?
how about a software firewall?

I've got both, and I haven't any problems with spyware, and let me tell you I don't exactly surf in the good guy section :devil:

I just can't see everyone wanting to spy on you

are you clicking on the wrong things on the internet
downloading free games?

I thought I was always paranoid by unpluging my ethernet sometimes, maybe I was right!

to quote my aunt:
"Just becuase you think someone is out to get you doesn't mean they aren't."
thankyou for the reply. i have a hardware ifrewall on my router, but the windows firewall is off, as i find it is a nuisance, and doesn't prevent spyware (at least it didn't before my reinstall).

please don't mistake me for an idiot. i have multiple anti spyware apps installed. i just need help in removing ist.bar, as it just keeps regenerating.

to quote my aunt:
"Just becuase you think someone is out to get you doesn't mean they aren't."

:thumbs: :D

UPDATE: When i restart windows now, microsoft antispyware says :

"Microsoft AntiSpyware has detected the threat IST.ISTbar trying to install a Startup Registry Entry on your computer. If you would like to allow IST.ISTbar to install the Startup Registry Entry click the 'Allow' button below."

i have previously clicked remove. does this mean that i have only part of the programs? because it keeps bringing up error messages

sometimes the obvious is not clear when you are the one with the problem

So then what you need is to purchase a software firewall, refuse all or most cookies, just tighten up every thing. I noticed opera had all the privacy settings turned off when i downloaded it,

You cannot operate an internet enabled computer without a firewall anymore . this is 2005. Your computer will become out of controll. My fathers computer just completely stoped working, after becoming slower and slower, (about 30 minutes after clicking on something before it would open)
there was disc drives opening and closing, home page spam, clicking on anything resulted in a never ending chain of pop up windows... enough to make you furious. yuck

Personally, I don't want any cookies from anyone, Im extremely paranoid about them, but then some sites wont allow you access without cookies, this is usually the kind of place you want to avoid anyway, or you can tell your browser to allow cookies from that site. ex.: Allow "google.com"

I dont see how windows firewall could be a nuisance, mine operates without me even knowing it, completely stealth-which is how you want your PC. A firewall stealths your ports and blocks them so other computers don't see that your computer even exsists and if they do, they dont have permision

anyway I would:

Unplug your ethernet
reformat your hard drive
install windows
install firewall or use windows firewall
get your settings how you want then plug in your ethernet

Good luck friend! :smoking:
Wont Windows antispyware give you more info on this iti.bar or whatever? what the hell do they want?

That sounds like some hardcore shit to be trying to mess with your registry.

I don't know enough to help anymore than I have.

I still stand by what I said
thankyou for your help. i am protected against all other spyware (nothing else is coming through), but i think ist.bar is on the inside. i'm kind of reluctant to reinstall windows again, as i did it last week, and it took me ages to install all the drivers and stuff again.
Thats what I was originally thinking, but forgot to mention.

Like Gamespy for example?

So what do you think you installed that would do something so malicous?

Have you googled ini.bar? find out what it is, sometimes I think I'm being attacked and it turns out its microsoft or norton LOL ;)
this is getting beyond a joke :(. antipsyware prog is telling me every 30 seconds that ist.bar wants to install, so i click remove. it comes then 30 seconds later.

i have a prog called advanced unistaller, with which i have deleted the basic icon for ist.bar. now, i go into startup, and find a prog called "poppupper65" that refuses to be removed. it runs from a file called "a65d" in the D:\WINDOWS\ file. i can't delete it, because it says it is being used.... grrrrr...

is there a way i can force delete something?

IMG: http://img207.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img207&image=istbar27au.jpg
Yea start windows in safe mode then delete it?

Deleting the icon? that won't help

Try going into My computer, C: drive (your OS hard drive)
Go into windows directory and delete it

So you know where it is at least


EDIT: please be advised 2 months ago I knew nothing about OS's
Im a computer n00b
Pwned, Ist.BAR, PWNED

Damn, i got it good. you should have seen my startup lineup... first spyware doctor, smacked it down. Adaware then pounded it into the ground, and Microsoft antispyware picked up the battered corpse, and threw it into an unending chasm of darkness.

bye bye Ist.bar :laugh:

thnx again for the help
lol like your last post Ranga, good to hear you got it sorted.
Ranga said:
Damn, i got it good. you should have seen my startup lineup... first spyware doctor, smacked it down. Adaware then pounded it into the ground, and Microsoft antispyware picked up the battered corpse, and threw it into an unending chasm of darkness.

bye bye Ist.bar :laugh:

thnx again for the help
You're welcome man, you helped me before.

BTW welcome back!