Square Enix Joins Steam

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]Valve announced today an agreement to bring Square Enix titles to customers in North America and Europe via Steam. The first of which will be 'The Last Remnant' and will be available from 9th April.
The Last Remnant is an action RPG from the makers of the Final Fantasy series. It will be the first Square Enix game to utilize Steamworks and be distributed via Steam. Square Enix will continue to add to its roster of games on Steam, providing users with instant access - after purchase, they can download the game immediately and start playing. Pricing will be announced at a later date.[br]Square Enix is committed to delivering the best quality titles to PC gamers and distribution on Steam is one of the many steps we are taking to increase accessibility for fans in North America and PAL territories.
Another publisher / developer joins Steam! See the Steamgames website over the next couple days for more information on Square Enix games.[br]Please note: Valve have now corrected this press release. NA and Europe are both included.
Square Enix is committed to delivering the best quality titles to PC gamers and distribution on Steam is one of the many steps we are taking to increase accessibility for fans in North America and PAL territories.

I thought PAL territories were Europe? So if it's only being sold in North America then hows that increasing accessibility in PAL territories?

If they bring Final Fantasy 13 on to Steam then i'll be interested.
Not interested as I see the words "North America" in the article.
Bah, no FFVII = no interest. Zero interest.
I'm an american and all this north america only stuff is pretty messed up. I feel so bad for other countries. Are these game companies completely oblivious to what's going on?
Wait, what other games besides Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest has Squenix made?
Hell I own FF7 on PC, and I would still rebuy it on steam if it meant I didn't have to keep track of all those damn disks!
Is our backwater slice of paradise included in the term "EU" or not?
I don't really like Final fantasy but I would be tempted if 7 came to steam :|
Wait, what other games besides Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest has Squenix made?

Xenogears, Unlimited Saga, Einh?nder, Brave Fencer Musashi, Secret of Mana, Dawn of Mana, Front Mission series, Kingdom Hearts 1/2/etc, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, The World Ends with You, and a number of others.

They also publish games developed by other companies.

Xenogears, Unlimited Saga, Einh?nder, Brave Fencer Musashi, Secret of Mana, Dawn of Mana, Front Mission series, Kingdom Hearts 1/2/etc, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, The World Ends with You, and a number of others.

They also publish games developed by other companies.


Those are console games not PC. I think meant what PC games have Square made apart from Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. None of them will come onto Steam cause there are no PC versions of them. I think the reason Sqaure has joined Steam is cause Edios was and Square owns them now.
Square got hit hard in 2008....and i'm willing to bet they'll just reroll those old games onto PC for some quick cash. If i was the president of Square Enix I would so do this, especially for the fan service. if your new games suck ass just go and re-release your classics with some added features. Co-op in some games would be Epic
Let's get 10 and 12 on pc. :)

Still can't emulate them and I'm too bothered to go out and buy a PS2 and the games...
Let's get 10 and 12 on pc. :)

Still can't emulate them and I'm too bothered to go out and buy a PS2 and the games...

PCSX2 emulates them pretty well. I've played X, X-2 and XII on PCSX2 with minimal glitches.
Perhaps Final Fantasy XI to follow? I mean, there isn't really anything else Squenix does on PC. (yes, yes, 7 and 8 were on PC. They were shite).

edit: Also, the fact that Squenix is buying Eidos, whose property is already on Steam may have opened links between the companies.
Meh I prefer JRPG's on consoles + and I own all the class Square games already I'm not a fan of their new shit ever since FF7 their games have been crap IMO.
Meh I prefer JRPG's on consoles + and I own all the class Square games already I'm not a fan of their new shit ever since FF7 their games have been crap IMO.

lol, well, I can see where you're coming from, but think about it... how could Square Enix reproduce a game of the same quality as FFVII? It was a pure stroke of genius; I doubt (hell, I know really) there will ever be a game that can top that beast in my lifetime at least. Best game ever made. Noof f'in said.
edit: Also, the fact that Squenix is buying Eidos, whose property is already on Steam may have opened links between the companies.

That'll stop Eidos from crying if they release FF7 on steam... If they ever do.

lol, well, I can see where you're coming from, but think about it... how could Square Enix reproduce a game of the same quality as FFVII? It was a pure stroke of genius; I doubt (hell, I know really) there will ever be a game that can top that beast in my lifetime at least. Best game ever made. Noof f'in said.


Maybe because Square Enix didn't make it.
That'll stop Eidos from crying if they release FF7 on steam... If they ever do.


Maybe because Square Enix didn't make it.

They are one and the same and it's pointless to refer to a single company as individuals. The people that made FFVII are the same people making new FF games.


Page three shows Square CO and Enix Corps progress over the years. Now look at the first entry of page two. It mentions both Enix Corp and Square CO merging (吸収合併 merger) and using the new name of Square Enix CO.

/Ninja edit. English links would be better.


The windows version was published by Eidos and it seems now with the buy out Square will have the publishing rights.
That'll stop Eidos from crying if they release FF7 on steam... If they ever do.


Maybe because Square Enix didn't make it.

*clap clap. Well done, you figured a division of Enix developed FFVII. Y'wanna medal?
They are one and the same and it's pointless to refer to a single company as individuals. The people that made FFVII are the same people making new FF games.

Can't tell really what happens to the games creation, if Square Co goes off in their own little world leaving the merges Enix in the dark; or their both put into consideration in the making of. Atleast that's where I was coming from.

*clap clap. Well done, you figured a division of Enix developed FFVII. Y'wanna medal?

But I don't see how my comment was inflicting you Born.
Indeed Square Co developed FFVII under the brandname SquareSoft. Square Co and Enix Corp merged in the year 2003. Enix had nothing to do with FFVII but when you say Square Enix you are referring to both and everything else under their banner.

Can't tell really what happens to the games creation, if Square Co goes off in their own little world leaving the merges Enix in the dark; or their both put into consideration in the making of. Atleast that's where I was coming from.

Fair enough