squidi.net Vs Penny Arcade LOL

Never even heard of squidi.net, but I have to say, looking at their comics they're not funny at all. Also, the guy who writes the comics has the grammatical skill of, well, a 12 year old.

Penny Arcade is good stuff, who cares if they follow a formula. I seriously doubt squidi hadn't seen pennyarcade's comic. Reminds me of that episode of Seinfield where Elaine thinks she came up with the pig at the complaint department comic :)
I've been following this all day, and I have to say I find it amusing. :cool:
And even PA has made fun of their often formulaic style, which squidi points out on his website.
Sad, really sad. Looking at the "stolen" works at the PA forums. Really, really sad. Sure, they're similar, infact they do look like they could be ripoffs of the size/shape of squidi's works, but they're completely modified. Who cares..
Originally posted by MaxiKana
The squidi link doesnt work

Yeah, it just died. It sure does look like that Samurai guy ripped off squidi's template, but squidi is COMPLETELY overreacting.
Guess this sent squidi belly up. :( I for one found the work amusing.
I diddn't even find the dude and the avatar :/
I'v been following both squidi and penny arcade, and to tell u honestly i never knew squidi was so um "sensitive" about his work. Like wow this guys sort of nuts...

i understand what squidi is trying to say, but once it got to this proportion he should just drop it...

then again Penny arcade just did them a huge favour ever...

by linking to there having a link to squidi's site on the front page will send tons of new readers... and crush his website

he should be thank ful....

i have horrible spelling and typing skills.... i blame it on my old NEC 1995 keyboard :)
I quite like squidi's comics, havent heard of him before but Ill keep an eye on him, quite funny.
I'v only looked at a few of squidi's comics and I don't find any of them funny appart from the one taking the piss out of penny arcade.
It was the second one in my first post, unfortunately his website is still in the dust.