Stadium Arcadium


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Just got this, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Led Zeppelin II. I have to say, out of all 3 albums I bought, this has to be the best.

The entire album has a very Hendrix Earth Space feel to it. Danni Callifornia has some Electric Ladyland esque moments, and the guitar solo in Hey has to be the most accurate modern day representation of Hendrix i've ever heard, while still being original and anti-cliche.

If you don't have the album, get it. Now. Even if you're not a Chilli Peppers fan. It PWNS.

It may be their poppiest album, but Frusciante (guitarist) gets the most creative space here compared to their other albums.
I've got it, but I'm still yet to listen to it all. I've listened to about 4 of the songs, and then I just haven't had the time to go through it all. Too much other music to listen to at the moment. I'll get around to it at somepoint.
Uhhhh Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Led Zep II..

You can't compare them to RCHP's latest offering, which is the same wankery they've been offering since they ceased to be relevent.

Californication was a good album, it's been downhill since the early days though.
Sure he can. Out of those 3, he prefers Stadium Arcadium. It's opinion. I prefer listening to no music at all then listening to Led Zep, as I really cannot stand them.
Californication was a good album, it's been downhill since the early days though.
I used to think this but some tracks on stadium arcadium are fresh and pretty amazing. Personally i've been playing Snow a lot recently.
I have all of the Chili Peppers CDs up to this one. My taste for them has really willowed over the years.

I'll admit that Dani California is a ****ing awesome song though.
I've got it, but I'm still yet to listen to it all. I've listened to about 4 of the songs, and then I just haven't had the time to go through it all. Too much other music to listen to at the moment. I'll get around to it at somepoint.
Heh, same here. And I've had it for well over a month now...

Gonna have to chuck it on the 360 so I can listen while I'm mindlessly hammering away all those Burnout ratings >.>
I've had it since day 1 and still havent put it on at all. i should though. i dont know why i just havent got around to it...
The reason Dani California sounds good is that it's basically the same song as Mary Jane’s Last Dance by Tom Petty.
Uhhhh Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Led Zep II..

You can't compare them to RCHP's latest offering, which is the same wankery they've been offering since they ceased to be relevent.

Californication was a good album, it's been downhill since the early days though.

You're right I suppose. Sgt. Pepper's is AMASING. Led Zeppelin II though, has a few good songs, but they way they laid the album out makes it really spastic. I mean, all the songs are really awesome, but the way they're ordered on the album is really sketchy, and destroys any kinda of mood they have going in a string of songs.

Stadium Arcadium though, I like it allot more that Californication tbh. Californication is a good album, but it felt too deep and hard. I enjoy the more poppier feel of Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Stadium Arcadium.

The reason Dani California sounds good is that it's basically the same song as Mary Jane’s Last Dance by Tom Petty.

WOW, you're right. Dunno why I didn't notice that before :O
Dani California is good...but overplayed. My favorite songs on Stadium Arcadium are Snow, Charlie (favorite RHCP song ever), especially in michigan, Desecration Smile, Tell me baby, 21st century, and death of a martian. Good album by the RHCP
When I first heard Dani California it took me awhile to realise it was actually a new song...
She's only 18 is my fav.

and people can compare, doesn't mean the results should be favourable ;)
I think this is probably the worst album they've put out. It's just so monatone, the music provokes no feeling at all, it's( for me) a sequence of sounds.....nothing more. The lyrics on the other hand are.....well....horrible and quite pretentious as well..." the stadium arcadium...mirror to the moon( john) mirror to the moon!!!", " theres a reason for the 21 century, not to sure but i know that its meant to be!" thanks for the update there, Anthony.........

With that said i think BSSM/Californication/ by the way are exceptional albums.
:eek: :rolling: :borg: :x :O :| :LOL:

yeah, that's about it

Yeah, the more I listen to this, the more im' wishing I hadn't said that : /

It's one of those albums that has it's moments. Songs like Hump De Bump and Charlie are HORRIBLE, but I love the likes of Snow, Stadium Arcadium, and Hey.

And TBH, can't beat Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds :D
Thing is, sinkoman, those two other albums have been out for decades and they are absolute classics. They are almost perfect albums and have staying power and that is one of the many reasons why people still go out buy them today.

Stadium Arcadium on the other hand, while it does have it's moments, it does wear out pretty quick.

Theres only a few decent songs on the album.

- Dani Califonia
- Tell Me Baby
- Animal Bar

are the only ones I like :(
I just got it a couple days ago.

Dani California is teh secks.


I will never say "teh secks" ever again.