STALKER Call of Pripyat

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Yeah let's talk about STALKER here, the best FPS with the best light layer of RPG elements and the best environment. One of the prettiest too. We can also talk about the next one they're releasing, which is called Call of Pripyat and spelled something like 30B NPNNRTN in Russian. So let's do this!

Universal STALKER Features:

* Looks good
* Scary as heck
* Lots of things to shoot at and with
* Dismally beautiful settings
* Interesting plots... as much as a video game plot can be interesting
* Memorable characters and quotes
* Ways to make your character better/worse


After Strelok destroys "C-Consciousness" in the original game (the developers ignore the alternative endings), a government expedition has set out into the Zone.
However, something went wrong, and the expedition vanished without a trace. In order to investigate the causes of this catastrophe, a Ukrainian security service agent is sent. Whom we, obviously, will have to play as.
* Three outdoor maps and two underground... but the outdoor maps are four times bigger than in SoC, and remade with a metric ton of new location, assets and stuff. They compare them to what you see in Gothic.
* Prypiat SEVERAL TIMES LARGER. Eastern part rebuilt with 100% accuracy, and 100% explorable. The area around the city is also better reproduced, with an abandoned factory and a village being the main attractions. The city is now North of the NPP, like in reality.
* Secondary tasks NOT random generated - 70 missions, carefully designed. No more "kill five boars" crap.
* Play the main mission in which order you like, no linear ending.
* A-Life reworked to be as human/monstrous as possible
* No more faction wars
* Duty and Freedom - few survivied the events of SoC, now they work together
* Sleeping!
* Two new monsters, featured in the original prototypes, introduced at the request of the community
* Blowouts modify the world, kinda similar to OL
* After the blowout warning is given, all the stalkers rush to the safe location. Not all them are friendly though...
* "Boosters" to temporarily improve your statistic
* Minor improvements over Clear Sky tech, much better performance(50fps at 1920*1200). Proper beta-testing promised, thanks to the new company they hired and less tech experimentation than in CS

A bit of new info and confirmed old facts from "Gameworld Navigator" magazine preview.

- The game follows the "true" ending line [of SoC] where Gunslinger destroyed C-Consciousness. But, all the stuff with the grass, birds and green leaves... wasn't meant to be Zone disappearing. Only Gunslinger saw that and this is a mystery what truly happened to him.

- There will be less stalkers than in CS and even SoC, GSC want to show that they're guests in aggressive environment, not rulers of the place.

- Monsters AI will be reworked to make their behavior more interesting and well-looking, especially in combat (for example, a dog won't stand in one place and repeatedly play bite animation, it'll move and attack smart). By the way, the mutant are not the united aggressive pack of creatures thinking only about killing as many stalkers as possible. There will be carnivores and herbivores, various conflicts etc.

- The factions won't be so black-and-white like in CS, with the same members, sharp borders etc. They're just a groups of people with the similar principles, not aggressive freaks looking for opposite faction members. Their leaders are smart and calm men who can solve the problems with words, not bullets

- Developers agree that the main fail points of CS were bugs, weak storyline and faction war. They are going to additionally hire some specialized companies to do very accurate testing together. They wrote the new storyline a lot more accurate, consulting with writers etc. The amount of action will be reduced a lot to help atmosphere of loneliness, desolation and concealed danger.

- There will be the freeplay mode after the game ending - for fans who want to completely solve all the quests, explore the territory and find all the secrets

- Confirmed again: there won't be any of the old locations.
- Confirmed again (!): yes, there will be about 70 unique quests.

- Universal weapon slots. Rather than one slot for primary weapon and one slot for secondary, you can put any weapon in each slot, so you could have two different assault rifles or two shotguns. No dual-wielding however.

- There won't be any significant changes in multiplayer, because developers decided to fully concentrate on singleplayer (yeah, at last!)
will it be incredibly buggy again?

I sure hope not. The first game was almost unplayable for me. Well it was that and the horrible ending of the game. It's going to be hard to get excited for this game, but we'll have to wait and see.
never really understood the appeal of this game
the gunplay is less than satisfying, the animations are stiff, the graphics aren't mindblowing by any means, the inventory system is atrocious, there's too much running around aimlessly... and of course it's quite buggy
the only positive things that i can think of are the atmosphere are large area to explore
call me crazy but i just didn't think it was very much fun
and this is coming from a guy that enjoys both FPS' and RPGs
Ccouldn't agree with you any more b...however I like to stay optimistic hoping they learned from their mistakes.
I felt quite let down by Clear Sky, some of the new areas were good, and they did make some elements of the UI a little cleaner, but they made the game horribly linear, the faction wars system just didnt work, once you had captured all the faction cap points in the area, they either never got captured again, or would always get recaptured regular as clockwork, plus the ending was just a long corridor of tossed grenades.

Stalker is one of those games that you either love or you hate, it has just enough intriguing elements that make it great, but some decisions made by the developer seem so jarringly awful it becomes frustrating. The various addons and mods made by the mod community showed real promise although limitations in what was changable held them back quite a bit. The perfect stalker game for me, would contain all the areas from all 3 versions, with the random unpredictable elements from OL, as well as the abillity to play indefinitely.
**** you all, I'm preordering a CE.

STALKER is all slices of awesome.
I felt quite let down by Clear Sky...

I did too, I remember hating that first swamp level, and I don't even remember the end of the game...or really anywhere else. The first stalker however was quite good, I didn't have any bug problems, so I was in the minority, but I just liked the atmosphere.

My complaint has always been redundancy. You'll run through 2 load screens (each-way) to complete a quest, and when you finish the guy will be like, "yea remember where you just were? Well walk 100m to the north and complete this next quest!"

argh! why didn't you give them to me at the same time!
I still haven't gotten Clear Sky yet. Must get it before this comes out.
Stalker was great until it crashed for me in the 3rd area. Never went back after that.
So what is this Call of Pripyat? A mod? An expansion? A sequel?
It's a new official stand-alone game.

So I guess you could call it STALKER3.
I'm crying radioactive tears of joy. Can't wait god damn.
Am I the only one on this site that didn't really get into STALKER?

Or well, STALKER was a decent game, but the sequel was pretty meh imo, hence I don't have high hopes for the third game.
Am I the only one on this site that didn't really get into STALKER?

Or well, STALKER was a decent game, but the sequel was pretty meh imo, hence I don't have high hopes for the third game.

Same here. However I didn't play the sequel cause I was so let down from the first. I do plan on beating it before I play cop
I swear I'll get the CE of all the stalker games once I learn Russian in the year 20XX
Ukrainian is not gibberish.

Also, that trailer looks great, especially shots of Pripyat.