Stalker competition


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, those of u familiar with the stalker website know theres a competition goin on to write a story, and the top 10 writers get a copy of the game free signed by the developers, aswell as having yur story going into the backdrop of the game. Anyways, i was wondering if u guys could help me out by voting for me story. :naughty: i'd really appreciate it, especially if u were nice about it and gave me a 10 hehe. anyways, heres the link:

Thx alot guys, if u ever need me to vote for something of yurs, i owe u.

EDIT: u dont have to sign up to vote, u just click on the vote button, and at the bottom of the story theres a 1-10 scale and u can click on what u think it deserves.
*Godfather theme*

I have given you my support. One day will come when I will turn to you for a favor.

*Godfather theme fades out*
I voted 10 for you two... have you noticed that your story is number 3? thats pretty cool :)
I didn't read it but I gave you a 10, I want you to get the game.
wow guys, u bumped me up to first! hopefully it'll stay up there. thx alot, i really appreciate this. If ya's ever need some online support, i'm yur man! haha w00t
lol I gave it 10 but to be honset it's not that good compared to some of the others.

I wonder what will happen if someone alerts them to this thread?
i know i already thanked u guys, but so many more have voted. This is a huge boost for me guys and just wanted to thank u all. This is seriously the best online community i've been a part of. Everybody helped me out. PM me if u ever need some online support.
wow, they're thinking of a story only after they've made all that art stuff? Okaay, well it's their design steps, not mine. 10 for joo. beat me to it you evil canadian you :P
Ah well...*walks off to cry in a corner*
FictiousWill said:
wow, they're thinking of a story only after they've made all that art stuff? Okaay, well it's their design steps, not mine. 10 for joo.

backstory not the main one.