I thought that guy sitting in that chair was a screenshot. :| :P

The game keeps looking better and better. :thumbs:
The character modelling is almost laughable. The characters are too blocky, they seem to be very texture-based.However, the environments are spot on.
Please note:

Unfortunately the screenshots do not have anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering so textures at extreme distances or angles will become blurry, and edges suffer from being jagged as a result of no anti-aliasing, and they also were cappped off of a DVD that comes with Igromania.
its gonna suck belive me look how he holds the gun this game will suck basta
finally, more DX9 stuff, the DX8 stuff was looking old as hell, this stuff is getting me interested again, another game to push the hardware and, hopefully, have awesome gameplay
edit: those bricks on that one building look amazing if you just look at it as a whole
All the guns have the cartridge ejection at the wrong side - so burning hot cartridges are ejected into your face. Anyone that knows a bit about guns will tell you that they should be on the other side of the weapon.
wow that shit is crazy, the second site with the ss's what language was that? russian?
lePobz said:
All the guns have the cartridge ejection at the wrong side - so burning hot cartridges are ejected into your face. Anyone that knows a bit about guns will tell you that they should be on the other side of the weapon.

Well so long as its infront of you and not actually beside your head(like the ever amazing rifle of the British Army), its not a major problem. It isn't as if the shells are ejecting into your line of site, unless you're aiming down the side of the gun.

I'm getting tired of technology showcases... I mean, I'm sure stalker will be fun to play, but I just want some decent games where the developers spend most of their time on the story, rather than the graphics of it. I realise the graphics make it more fun... but still.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I'm getting tired of technology showcases... I mean, I'm sure stalker will be fun to play, but I just want some decent games where the developers spend most of their time on the story, rather than the graphics of it. I realise the graphics make it more fun... but still.

I'm with you, games need to get some better story lines, etc. I really like Doom 3's because of how old skool it is, and Half-Life 2 because VALVe knows good storylines for their games ;)
omfg!! thats like dx11 graphics.
Meh....Not sure if its worse or better then Far Cry.
Environments are top notch :) It looks certainly very good, nothing stands out, has a sort of dark atmosphere..

Hard telling DX9 from DX8 screens... or is that because it's past midnight? :P
Those look very nice. thx for link.
stalker will have good story, belive me

it will bring me back in gooood old fallout gaming , finaly.
Lemonking said:
its gonna suck belive me look how he holds the gun this game will suck basta

Once again Lemonking has contributed to another Stalker thread with an insightful opinion based on a plethora of facts and ingame experience. How else would he be able to tell that the game sucks before it actually comes out? Not only that, but he puts forward his opinion with superior spelling and grammar.
ray_MAN said:
The character modelling is almost laughable. The characters are too blocky, they seem to be very texture-based.However, the environments are spot on.

low res screen shots,
NikolaX said:
stalker will have good story, belive me

it will bring me back in gooood old fallout gaming , finaly.
[Rant]No, how will it do that? Fallout is turn-based, the only thing Fallout and STALKER have in common is the "survival" theme really.
If there's anything that might "bring back" Fallout so is it Fallout IV, albeit I have a feeling it'll turn out a FPS real time RPG like Morrowind/Oblivion seeing as Bethesda are developing it.
If you weren't talking about the game Fallout then I apologize.[Rant End]
Oh btw, I'm pretty sure that this ain't the game in it's full glory, the people I've talked with that was at GDC that got to see the outdoor DX9 renderer there were VERY VERY impressed.
Yes i am talking about fallout, yes, it is turnbased game , and yes it is now FPS, but RPG element was in old fallout + free based apocaliptic game , so i will be VERY happy if they can manage what they said about the game.
and weapons are quite same theme :)
Gargantou said:
[Rant]No, how will it do that? Fallout is turn-based, the only thing Fallout and STALKER have in common is the "survival" theme really.
If there's anything that might "bring back" Fallout so is it Fallout IV, albeit I have a feeling it'll turn out a FPS real time RPG like Morrowind/Oblivion seeing as Bethesda are developing it.
If you weren't talking about the game Fallout then I apologize.[Rant End]
Oh btw, I'm pretty sure that this ain't the game in it's full glory, the people I've talked with that was at GDC that got to see the outdoor DX9 renderer there were VERY VERY impressed.
Well these shots are of the DX9 Renderer, soooo........maybe they were impressive back then and not as impressive now?
Seems like valve aren't the only ones who use sub-par screenshots to show off otherwise nice stuff. :P

The only thing I don't like there are those character models. With all the pockets and crap sticking out everywhere, plus the bad lighting, I can hardly tell what's what.
Sparta said:
Well these shots are of the DX9 Renderer, soooo........maybe they were impressive back then and not as impressive now?
So suddenly, 1 month(or was it 2) later they're not impressive anymore, wow that was fast! :laugh:
I highly doubt that those screenshots are running the game with everything maxed.
Btw, if I came out as rude I apologize.

NikolaX said:
Yes i am talking about fallout, yes, it is turnbased game , and yes it is now FPS, but RPG element was in old fallout + free based apocaliptic game , so i will be VERY happy if they can manage what they said about the game.
and weapons are quite same theme :)
I have to disagree, in size Fallout was probably bigger, but you can't compare'em because Fallout used a different system for loading, and STALKER is far more diverse.
For the 2nd thing, post-apocalyptic, I wouldn't really call this that, seeing as all the other world is still well and breathing, albeit I've heard that there might be some changes in the story, such as the Soviets still being there, i.e. not collapsing in the 20th century.
Weapons, somewhat yes but STALKER uses pretty much ONLY Eastern weapons, no American ones as far as I've heard from the dev team and Oleg.
But still, i guess what you said is partly true, atleast for me, this will hopefully be able to satisfy my Fallout hunger til Fallout 4 comes out, but there are also people considering making a Fallout mod for STALKER, now that'd be sweet imo, I've just warned'em that Bethesda(Or whoever has the rights to the name/game now) might not like it.

I just hope that it makes it's (secretely) scheduled October release date(This is the date THQ has OFFICIALLY given to several people as far as I know, even tho some sites lists it as TBA).

Also, STALKER doesn't have any real stats system as far as I know, so you can't have people reacting different with each character(Or well, they can change attitude based on your actions SOMEWHAT IRC).
That was great fun in STALKER, playing with a character with ultra low intelligence and he'd sound like the dumbest piece of shiet ever.:)
fallout mod for stalker , hell ye !! i hope they can make it ;)

i totaly agree with you Gargantou, but it is only thing before fallout4 ( i think it is 3, not 4), thet can make me happy:)
Lemonking said:
its gonna suck belive me look how he holds the gun this game will suck basta

LOL, good point, every game where people hold things incorrectly suck. I mean it has such a huge impact on gameplay and everything. :rolling:
meh, I think the graphics look good enough to play ...that's enough for me
they're alright nothing spectacular
like the skeleton one
Aside from the graphics, this game in theory has a lot more to offer. Personally I'm looking forward to exploring the living breathing world. No scripts. Creatures and enemies do their own wandering. Animals hunt, other humans are exploring, there are clans and rpg elements, limited inventory, rest, food and a mysterious story.

Will they pull all that stuff off? I don't know, probably not all of it. I haven't played it yet. I hope they do, and until they prove me wrong, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I can understand that the people who only care about graphics might be turned off a bit. It doesn't matter to me.
ray_MAN said:
The character modelling is almost laughable. The characters are too blocky, they seem to be very texture-based.However, the environments are spot on.

No kidding, I'm sure you know exactly how to make something 10 times better! You tell 'em Internet person!
Am I the only one who is personaly not splooging their pants over this game?

I really dont belive it will live up to all the hype everyone puts on it, it almost reminds me of Soldner but with slightly better graphics =/

Oh well, perhaps i'll be prooven wrong when its released.

justmatt said:
No kidding, I'm sure you know exactly how to make something 10 times better! You tell 'em Internet person!

I can't cook, so shall I refrain from stating that something tastes like vomit in the future if it does? That you can't create it, doesn't mean you can't criticize it.