STALKER finished!!!

My hopes for this game has died. Unless they updated the graphics, it will lack majorly
I guess we'll see soon enough about the graphics, I've heard there's a new trailer coming out at a Russian consert with a band that's doing music for the game as some promo thing, hopefully they'll release it online a few days afterwards or something.
Why would anyone believe this news--especially after reading the "story?"

The whole thing sounds pretty uneducated and only "released" to get people's goats. Too bad so many of your goats were off their respective tethers and roaming free and therefore so easily gotten.

I will believe nothing about this title until major gaming sites have reviews of final builds and the game is on store shelves.
VictimOfScience, if you had read my first post, you would have noticed, it HASN'T GONE GOLD, this was a misunderstanding, what the game devs said was that it had gone BETA, and everything was in the game now, all features, all models, all sounds, etc, only that they needed to bugtest the game code now etc.

And that I do not doubt.

Can't the topic creator change the topic? It's pretty misleading seeing as the game ISN'T finished, I know the article said so, but it's annoying to have people just read the first article without reading what I posted, so they think the game is actually finished, while the fact is the game has entered it's final beta stage.
Gargantou said:
VictimOfScience, if you had read my first post, you would have noticed, it HASN'T GONE GOLD, this was a misunderstanding, what the game devs said was that it had gone BETA, and everything was in the game now, all features, all models, all sounds, etc, only that they needed to bugtest the game code now etc.

And that I do not doubt.

Can't the topic creator change the topic? It's pretty misleading seeing as the game ISN'T finished, I know the article said so, but it's annoying to have people just read the first article without reading what I posted, so they think the game is actually finished, while the fact is the game has entered it's final beta stage.
No no, don't get me wrong--I know that it was a misunderstanding and the translation was screwed and you said different things, etc. I just think it is ridiculous to get excited about a game that has been "close to release" for a long time now and is always pushed back for this reason or that. For all we know, the same thing could happen in their bug testing--it sounds a lot like what they have delayed it for thus far anyway. Bug-testing typically doesn't take 9 months, so I am thinking there is more that we all don't know. To say that everything is in the game is great, but if it doesn't work, then who cares at this point and for them to say that even though it technically complete (though far from completed) it still won't be released until at least Fall 2006 leads me to believe they are not too confident about their coding, but time will tell. But in terms of excitement, this one's way off my map at this point....
STALKER is an ambitious game, and tbh, I do believe that it has alot to do with balancing and bug testing, I'd rather get a "bug-free" and well-balanced STALKER this winter, than a unfinished p.o.s. beta software(Read Boiling Point, good game, but awfully full of bugs and balance issues) in a week or two.
It does seem like they would've done that without THQ, they did state that if they were without THQ they'd already published the game, and that's a good thing that they ARE with THQ imo, because perhaps THQ is telling'em "No, we won't let you release an unfinished product."

But as several people've stated, it could turn out to be crap, but I'm keeping me hopes up.
Gargantou said:
STALKER is an ambitious game, and tbh, I do believe that it has alot to do with balancing and bug testing, I'd rather get a "bug-free" and well-balanced STALKER this winter, than a unfinished p.o.s. beta software(Read Boiling Point, good game, but awfully full of bugs and balance issues) in a week or two.
It does seem like they would've done that without THQ, they did state that if they were without THQ they'd already published the game, and that's a good thing that they ARE with THQ imo, because perhaps THQ is telling'em "No, we won't let you release an unfinished product."

But as several people've stated, it could turn out to be crap, but I'm keeping me hopes up.
Isn't it usually the other way round? With the publisher forcing the devs to release an unfinished game against their will?
Isn't it usually the other way round? With the publisher forcing the devs to release an unfinished game against their will?
It usually is, but he is just saying that THQ is a very good publisher and not a crabby old one and rather than rushing the game, give the developers all the time they need.
The publisher won't force them to release the game now, cause it's just after the holiday season, a lot of people won't buy it.
I just hoped they managed to sort out that lag. One thing that I cannot stand is lag, and judging from those firefights in the demonstration vids, even they experienced it, which is kind of worrying
Well DEATH eVADER, if the game just now went Beta, and you're talking about those ol' demonstration vids from E3(I.e. 2k4), that means that was an old alpha, and the game has probably recieved alot of optimizing since.:)
Apparently a 9600XT will be able to run the game at medium settings without any problems, atleast according to the interviews.
a 9600xt could run the leaked alpha at medium settings almost 2 years ago. :)
Gargantou said:
Apparently a 9600XT will be able to run the game at medium settings without any problems, atleast according to the interviews.
That is good news, but it also leads me to believe that when and if it is released in 9 months or so, the graphics (and quite possibly the gameplay) will be dreadfully outdated. Windows Vista will probably be out by then, as will DX10 cards and PPUs and who knows what else. Games for the 360 and the PC and likely the PS3 will be multi-threaded and able to do so much more than this old, tired title.

If it had released around the time HL2 released, then it might have been a serious force, but if it really releases this Fall, I think many of us are going to be very disappointed. I hope not, of course, but I fear the worst.
I stopped believing when I saw "gone gold" and "entered beta stages." But like another poster said thats journalism. These journalists are always getting their facts wrong, because they are trying to stretch out what little information they have. Its happened to TES: Oblivion quite a bit also. I think gamespy said that oblivion has duel wielding, when its been confirmed for about 8 months that it doesnt.

VictimOfScience said:
If it had released around the time HL2 released, then it might have been a serious force, but if it really releases this Fall, I think many of us are going to be very disappointed. I hope not, of course, but I fear the worst.

Well come on now. If you think strictly in terms of graphics then maybe it might be dissapointing in that case... but nobody knows how fun it will be till we play it. If the gameplay and immersion is there, then nobody will be dissapointed.
I played the MP beta. dx8. looks very nice if you ask me. it has this gritty reality look. the dx9 renderer is supposed to be very good looking. I bet we are in for a treat in the graphics department too. as mentioned above Graphics. don't. make. the. game.
It is, an example is, that it uses no lightmaps either, as the DX8 render does, DX9 uses a fully dynamic softshadow both outdoors and indoors, if you turn it on ofcourse, and that'll be pretty nice.
I have a thing for being able to see shadows move along with the sun..:)
Don't believe what mate?

There're screens of the fully dynamic softshadows, both indoors and outdoors, but I can't be arsed to look'em up for you.
yes the shadows move along with the sun. check out the 5 page interview over at oblivion lost.
Gargantou said:
Don't believe what mate?

There're screens of the fully dynamic softshadows, both indoors and outdoors, but I can't be arsed to look'em up for you.
sorry, i ment the game
cant beleive they finished it :P
Ah, but they haven't, it was the damned journalists who misinteprented the devs, the devs said that it had gone Beta, i.e. all the content that will be in the final game is in, now it just needs to go through balancing and debugging etc.:)
Yeah, I think the story in itself is pretty stupid, a game don't wait 6-7 months to release after having gone gold or being finished..-.-
Oh btw, for anyone interested, here's a screeny of it running with dynamic shadows atleast(Not sure if they're soft-shadows or not)
Krynn72 said:
Well come on now. If you think strictly in terms of graphics then maybe it might be dissapointing in that case... but nobody knows how fun it will be till we play it. If the gameplay and immersion is there, then nobody will be dissapointed.
Of course--that is exactly what I am saying: If they aren't able to keep what were (over a year ago) technologically amazing graphics and extraordinary AI and gameplay modes, then its going to disappoint. I certainly hope they are able to make it every bit as fun as I thought it would be a year ago, but with more games coming out with complex AI and graphics (like Oblivion, for example) or gameplay (like Prey hopefully), its going to stand out less and less.

xlucidx said:
Graphics. don't. make. the. game.
Obviously. The Lurking Horror is still one of my favorite games, along with the old Lucasarts/Sierra classic adventures, not to mention tons of C64 titles that still to this day beat the pants right off of much of the crap that is on the shelves of your local game emporium. Seriously.
STALKER will still stand out alot imo.
Maybe not as much as it could, but I do know there's a group of gamers out there that'd love a well-done open-ended sci-fi RPG like STALKER.
And besides, if STALKER isn't too hard to mod, perhaps we can see some decent zombie mods using parts of the AI system, I'd love a zombie mod(Or a game, no matter what engine etc) where it's similiar to 28 days later in that you can set as goal to survive 28 days then be rescued, and immitate say "The Dead" movies in that the zombies evolve as the days pass by..*Fantazises*
some of the guys who made Boiling Point used to work for GSC ..if Boiling point is any indication how Stalker will turn out then it will be bug ridden to say the least
I don't really think they'll release a game that has been in development for over 5 years as bug-filled as Boiling Point, oh well, no point discussing it I guess, only time will tell...
ya I hope they dont as well because despite it's bugs Boiling point was a very good game ..just overlooked