stalking is ****ing awesome

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Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
i sit behind the computer too much and today i spent the whole day stalking. Awesome i tell you. I should go inside her house someday.

*EDIT* I stalk enough, even though I sit behind a desk all day also. In order to get to my car, I have stalk the stairs, and 1.5 blocks away. I do that coming to work, leaving/returning from lunch every day, then leaving work. I think I get enough exercise for my lazy bone.
Vegeta, sober up.

edit; oh it's some shitty copy thread that you're just going to get infractioned for
nothing to see here
i saw this coming when I noticed that various topics concerning means of transportation had been created. studying the history of this forum, it becomes evident that such events have a tendency to launch a series of satirical topics. allthough i was expecting Krynn's airport thread to be the first one to be parodied.

i give this thread a solid 3 and a half stars our of five. not the most original of ideas, but served its purpose in imitating the narrative style of the source material and delivered an amusing parody. guys it's not supposed to be analyzed in search of a deeper meaning, it's just a fun topic.
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