Standard DVD Edition Confirmed for UK

Bluestrike said:
Europe/belgium, and could nowhere find a dvd version of Farcry :(
That's weird, I can understant that toy stores don't have both editions but a computer specialized shop like Dynabyte should have it.

I hope it's in the rest of Europe on DVD too, not only because it's less time to install (I already have it from Steam so that doesn't matter for me anymore), but the box doesn't have to be so large. Large is nice but if you have a lot of games like me it isn't practical, I don't know where I have to keep them anymore :P
Bluestrike said:
Europe/belgium, and could nowhere find a dvd version of Farcry :(
Perhaps for "Europe" everyone means UK and Germany that was DVD only releases of FarCry.

Furthermore, UT2004 was similar where UK had very limited supplies on CD and by far mostly DVD (and etailers automatically changed pre-orders to DVD) and Germany was DVD only.

Perhaps the smaller European countries get CD versions, al la USA. Wonder if they also get big cardboard boxes or the same DVD style cases that UK releases tend to be in.

... is where I'll be gettin it. Only they don't yet have the special version yet on their site. Anyone have any idea if they ever sell special versions?
Co-ords said: is where I'll be gettin it. Only they don't yet have the special version yet on their site. Anyone have any idea if they ever sell special versions?
Special Edition has not been announced in UK, and if we follow UT2004 trend (for one example) there will not be one.

I bet UK retail has one edition only, and it's the standard DVD one.

Good thing that HL2 will come in a CD in the U S of A. :)
Its amazing how the majority of people on this board cant read. For the US the DVD & CD versions will be available.

The UK is stuck with just the DVD version.

And how exactly are we behind technology wise when we get everything first? Quit kissing euro ass.
dvd rom in europe

hi i live in sweden and we are getting the dvd rom version of halflife 2 as well. :sniper: