Staph infection

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Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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So, I went to the doctor today because this scab on my knee has been white and pussy, and all these other scabs on my body have been turning same (7, swolen, red ringed, green scab, puss spraying spots total), and they told me that I have a systemic Staph infection ( to be exact), put me on some antibiotics (bactrin), gave me an antiseptic wash thing (Himilin or sommat like that), and some sort of ointment.

Anybody got any suggestions on what I can do to heal up faster? These spots hurt like a BITCH.
Laugh it up people... laugh it up. When I'm gone, you have no source of humor in your lives.
It's ok... that other man has a better santa-hat cow avatar than you.
You've ruined my Christmas. I hope you're happy.

I haven't had solid food in two days. It's driving me nuts :(
I appologize for derailing this thread. Please forgive me Sinkoman.

Let's get talking about the original post.
You've seen the doctor, haven't you? Do what he tells you.
Our humor therapy has completely failed.

Back to the drawing board.
Lol I thought it was Raz the whole time until I noticed Veg's name :P
Eat a shitload of garlic, its a natural antibotic
Get a dog to kiss youre wound, old celts used to do thar!
So, I went to the doctor today because this scab on my knee has been white and pussy, and all these other scabs on my body have been turning same (7, swolen, red ringed, green scab, puss spraying spots total), and they told me that I have a systemic Staph infection ( to be exact), put me on some antibiotics (bactrin), gave me an antiseptic wash thing (Himilin or sommat like that), and some sort of ointment.

Anybody got any suggestions on what I can do to heal up faster? These spots hurt like a BITCH.

Enjoy your aids.
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