Star Trek (2009) - Superbowl Spot

Suddenly? There's barely anything new in that trailer.
The WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO! has left a bad taste, i was reminded of power rangers the movie, terrible memories.
I wasn't really looking forward to this anyway :|
I dunno, when I go to see this with my Dad, he's going to be like "WTF?"

The WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO! has left a bad taste, i was reminded of power rangers the movie, terrible memories.

What. You were given terrible memories by a Power Rangers movie? Is there something wrong with you?
Looks like it'll be a fun flick.
My expectations are damn low after J.J.'s last movie foray.
Aside from names/appearances, how does this have any resemblance to the original Star Trek?
How else would it have a resemblance?

Oh, score probably.
I meant rather resemblance in themes, intention, philosophy. But I'd hoped you'd have figured that out.
Right, because you know the whole plot and all its themes? Sweet.
you guys srsly, Kirk was supposed to be a arrogant dick in his young years.

Jean Luc was the same way as a young Cadet.
is it just me or is 2009 the best year for movies EVAR???
It reminds me of the Thunderbirds movie. That was the gayest two hours I have ever experienced.. :frown:
Power Rangers was utter bollocks. The movie and the series.
Try switching off your nostalgia-vision beeatches!
This movie will undoubtedly get a serious something in the ass from all the diehard Star Trek geeks/fans out there.

Guarantee it'll be like Superman Returns. Just..awful.

Leave the great movies back in their decades. Dont make new ones when all you can do is worse than the original.
Superman Returns was pretty decent.

Oh wait, I forgot. That isn't a valid opinion to express on the internet.
Superman Returns was better than people give it credit for.
which is really odd because the only movies anyone can compare superman returns is the originals and they're embarrassingly hokey and mostly stupid
Probably another case of nostalgia-vision.
I went into that movie completely neutral towards Superman. Now I hate him more than anything.
This looks completely ridiculous and I am very much looking forward to it.
That looked pretty damn good. Needs more Simon Pegg, though.
Overly dramatic music made me LOL.