Star Trek Online screens


May 5, 2004
Reaction score


please dont suck
Is there going to be on-foot action? Or else this will be just like homeworld or EVE.
it's an MMO start as a starfleet cadet and move your way up to captain of your own ship ...and yes you're on foot

lol @ gh0st posting about geeks on a gaming forum ...geeks indeed ...btw I've seen photos're one of those "pencil neck" geeks you hear so much about
CptStern said:
it's an MMO start as a starfleet cadet and move your way up to captain of your own ship ...and yes you're on foot

lol @ gh0st posting about geeks on a gaming forum ...geeks indeed ...btw I've seen photos're one of those "pencil neck" geeks you hear so much about

Anyone have that sound bite from the simpsons where homer screams "NNNNEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRD"?
CptStern said:
it's an MMO start as a starfleet cadet and move your way up to captain of your own ship ...and yes you're on foot

lol @ gh0st posting about geeks on a gaming forum ...geeks indeed ...btw I've seen photos're one of those "pencil neck" geeks you hear so much about
hmm theres a difference between playing counter-strike and being a starfleet cadet.

but who am i kidding ill probably play it.
in my experience CS is the nerdiest of all games ..I mean walk into any internet cafe and you'll see nerds playing CS

anyways it sounds interesting because it's a mix of flying ships in a group and away missions
CptStern said:
in my experience CS is the nerdiest of all games ..I mean walk into any internet cafe and you'll see nerds playing CS

anyways it sounds interesting because it's a mix of flying ships in a group and away missions
are you limited to being in starfleet or can you be a romulan or a klingon or something?
The weapons better be cool, none of that remote phaser crap. And is what series is this going to be modeled after? Original, early 90s, deep space, voyager, etc.?
i think you're limited to star fleet atm ..expansions may allow you to be other races

according to FAQ it takes place after Star Trek Nemesis Next generation star trek

interesting that a single player cant pilot the larger ships need a mix of npcs and other players to fly
I was excited when I read the thread title, but after reading the faq I'm dissapointed. one race, no player vs. player, little opportunity for economic doesn't sound like much of a game.
CptStern said:
the larger ships need a mix of npcs and other players to fly
so the bridge crew are players, but the dude sweeping the rug is an npc? i can see the potential in that but who gets to be captain? i guess if you had a cool group of 6 or 7 it could work out.. but how would that work..
They're gonna need to change a few things around for this game to be successful.
CptStern said:
interesting that a single player cant pilot the larger ships need a mix of npcs and other players to fly
"Ok stay stationary"
"Guys I'm going to go to warp 5"
/Tech activates warp 5

There goes a few billion dollar ship :|
guild leader or highest rank? I think you're assigned a ship and then you gather your crew ..I think you need a person to man each station: flight, weapons, engineering etc

theotherguy: according to gamespot you can choose from one of seven races ..although just those within the federation also age in the game as you advance in rank

Beerdude26: lol!
DeusExMachina said:
So by time I'm Captain, I'll have gray hair and wrinkles?


well white hair least the part that's not bald'll also be speaking in a distinctly English accent desite being from France

gh0st said:
and a sagging prostate?

not likely, meat eating has been abolished by then
That Gamespot preview is an interesting read. This could turn out very cool.

EDIT Official FAQ. This game won't be out until 2008.
btw there will be PVP:

STO said:
Will there be player vs. player combat?
PvP will not be a primary means of advancement at game launch, but the holodeck will provide many opportunities for players to fight each other in ships and on the ground in a competitive holographic environment.

What role does the Holodeck play?
As in the show, STO will use the Holodeck to offer imaginative and historical experiences for players, including player vs. player competitions.
After Nemesis, so, NO DATA?!?!?! OR KIRK!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

I wonder if they'll let us time travel like they did in the movies

"Ok stay stationary"
"Guys I'm going to go to warp 5"
/Tech activates warp 5

There goes a few billion dollar ship

That isn't how it works, the tech has to set the warp drives and then the pilot has to designate a course so the ship knows when to cease warp drive, then you just run on impulse power
CptStern said:
not likely, meat eating has been abolished by then

2008? darn. i only have 2.5 more months to enjoy video games =(
theotherguy said:
I was excited when I read the thread title, but after reading the faq I'm dissapointed. one race, no player vs. player, little opportunity for economic doesn't sound like much of a game.

There is no economy in the 23rd century, humans only wish to better themselves with no need for economic gain
...Someone's gonna need to explain the exact mindset and setting of Star Trek. I'll read the wikipedia later. Just give me a basic rundown. What's religion like, is the job market a mess...people are vegetarian?!
all food is replicated is still cooked on earth but the ingredients are replicated ..the earth has been peaceful for hundreds of year there is no poverty, no money ..people can do whatever they want, you dont need to work religion as far as I can tell ..although some aliens do have religion (bajorans instantly leap to mind) they never mention human religion
Free religion, you can believe in whatever you want, no economy for all planets in the Federation (everyone except the Borg, Klingons, and I think the Romulans) you can eat meat if you choose but almost all food is generated. Earth goes through WW3 in the 21st century (2083 or so) and afterwards they discover warp drive which is when the Romulans make first contact with us, move our technology forward, allow us to go into space, and unite all of earth under one government (Capital is in Paris I think, leader lives in Seattle)
humans made first contact with Vulcans ..not the romulans ....Zefram Cochrane?

yes a communist utopia of sorts
CptStern said:
humans made first contact with Vulcans ..not the romulans ....Zefram Cochrane?

yes a communist utopia of sorts

True, I mix them up a lot, but at one time they were both unified :O
Dalamari said:
After Nemesis, so, NO DATA?!?!?! OR KIRK!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
You're forgetting B4, which was given datas memories etc. before data went byebye ... so they left the door open for "data" to return, in one form or another.

Not that i'm a treckie geek or anything.

*runs away*
Dalamari said:
True, I mix them up a lot, but at one time they were both unified :O

yes they're both the same race ..except the romulans chose warfare and the vulcans suppressed emotion and chose enlightenment

Shakermaker: yes the best trek movie ..although star trek 6: undiscovered country was excellent as well ...and who can forget wrath of KHAAAAN