star war (just one)

"Giving first aid the already disheveled hair projection"

"He the my brothers in elephant is similar"

Brilliantly insane! :D
Teehee, old, but good. Well, not that old, but really that good :D
Anyone see the LotR ones before thay got taken off the internet?

Who in hell did these translations anyway?
Almost pissed myself. Wonderful.
My favs;
"R2, do you is ****ing" :eek:
"Smelly boy" :x
"Pregnancy?Pregnancy" :eek:
"Send those troopseses only" :LOL:
"They want to know him at ****" :naughty:
LoL! :D
Wait a minute, I've seen that one beeing posted on IRC multiple times. :O

Anyway, yeh, funny translation.
haha thats great.

"ratio tile, the wish power are together with you" :D
Smelly boy! :LOL:

May the wish power be together with you, Jangle.