Star Wars Battlefront II E3 Trailer...


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
In case you missed it...:imu:
The force is definitely strong with this one folks...
It looks pretty damn action packed...I'm looking forward to this one, along with Battlefield 2.
wow, they didn;t even upgrade the graphics a bit
and if i want star wars battles in space i'll fire up X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter
Think i'll have to give this one a pass
Battlefront is the highest selling star wars game ever amazingly.

And according to gamespy stats there is
102 servers, 290 players

Pathetic!! Why do people even care about a sequel if nobody even plays the first one?
Wow... after seeing episode 3 that is just bad.
@KoreBolteR who hasn't ?

yeh, i wasn't really impressed with this, i always play this @ lan's.
Mr-Fusion said:
Battlefront is the highest selling star wars game ever amazingly.

And according to gamespy stats there is
102 servers, 290 players

Pathetic!! Why do people even care about a sequel if nobody even plays the first one?
it did and is stilling doing immensely well on the ps3 and xbox