Star Wars, Episodes 1 to 3....


Jul 5, 2003
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six years, 120 million (ish) per movie, millions of dissapointed fans later... uh... yeah anyway... here's all three posters from the prequels niceley photoshop-erised by me. will be selling the episode 3 one pictured on March 21st onwards...
Recoil said:
Well, I quite liked EP2... :>
I personally didn't have a problem with either of them. Save for some of the dialogue (I hate sand, eeeeeh) and Jar Jar, I largely enjoyed EP1 and EP2.

Edit: Well, okay. That kid who played Anakin in Ep1 was just inexcusably bad. Come to think of it, Hayden Christiansen is a bad actor, too. DAMN IT. I hate Ep1 and Ep2.
Nah, c'mon, number 2 wasn't the trainwreck 1 was
I liked #1 but hated #2. Much for the fault of a certain Christensen.
Much for the fault of a certain Christensen.

Yeah, I agree that he sucked...

...but y'know good thing about Star-Wars always was the multiple main characters, so you're not really left with one only :)
Cool, never seen the third one before! Where did you find it?
I've been woefully let down by the first two prequels always.....I'll be there for Episode 3 on opening night.

Hope springs eternal.....
The_Monkey said:
Cool, never seen the third one before! Where did you find it?
Not out yet. Anyway, episode 1 was ok..but #2 sucked. The acting was horrible and the dialog was worse. Hopefully the third one will be better...
All the leads sucked Bantha wang in Ep 1 and 2. Natalie Portman was tolerable but only cos of the eye candy factor.
pomegranate said:
All the leads sucked Bantha wang in Ep 1 and 2. Natalie Portman was tolerable but only cos of the eye candy factor.

What the hell is a bantha?
Ah k...For some reason I can't stop laughing at that remark.

It sounds just like what a star wars geek would say...when something bad happens...

"Dude...that sucked total Bantha wang."
Dude, new TIE Fighters again... their looks suck :|
I don't know...I kinda like the way they look.
Recoil said:
Dude, new TIE Fighters again... their looks suck :|
I like 'em. Kind of a mix between the TIE and the Sith fighters in KOTOR.
why did Lucas screw these movies?...besides his grandkids wanting more Gungan/Ewok cutesy crap and fart jokes in Star Wars...does anyone remember the REAL trilogy? before they added all the new effects? earliest memory is of the Millenium Falcon taking off from Mos Eisley and the Stormtroopers shooting at it...I was 1 year old when Star Wars: A New Hope was released and have been a fan up until these recent,its the only place to see lightsabers...I will see what butchery has been done this time around..what does the new George Lucas have planned for the "WHY" of Anakin turning into Vader? its likely too much cutesy crap drove him mad....
T.H.C.138 said:
why did Lucas screw these movies?...besides his grandkids wanting more Gungan/Ewok cutesy crap and fart jokes in Star Wars...does anyone remember the REAL trilogy? before they added all the new effects? earliest memory is of the Millenium Falcon taking off from Mos Eisley and the Stormtroopers shooting at it...I was 1 year old when Star Wars: A New Hope was released and have been a fan up until these recent,its the only place to see lightsabers...I will see what butchery has been done this time around..what does the new George Lucas have planned for the "WHY" of Anakin turning into Vader? its likely too much cutesy crap drove him mad....
I have 2 of the 3 non-edited videos on vhs. :D
I don't like the flying Yoda. He looks like a hyperactive version of the the Pope
yeah we got on the whole dvd thing kinda late so we still(luckily) have the original trilogy on vhs..the new versions aren't bad,but the "first" 2 movies....ugh..hoping this next one will be more worthwhile..but no breath holding going on..hell,I might fall to the darkside myself if its as cheesy as 1 and 2