Star Wars in the Command Prompt.

Oct 5, 2005
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Dunno if this has been posted before, but meh.

Go to Start>Run and type "command" and hit ok. Then type in "telnet" no quotes. A text version of Star Wars will play, the whole thing.

Interesting eh?


Will this break my computer?

I'm used to people giving me disguised goatse links and telling my that pressing F10 in Counter Strike will bring up Xfire.
Wow this is awesome, must have taken along time to do this.

Guess those microsoft guys needs to find something better to do during their lunch breaks.
Actually it's not on your computer, the command telnet takes you to the netherlands.
Truth, someone made it, and put it up for somone to telnet.

Quite funny IMHO.
ancient, and i mean probably older than me, but still cool
I actually watched it to the end, but it's not the entire movie (ends as they rescue the princess from the detention cell). Apparently there's supposed to be a part 2 either out there now, or still in the works.
I wonder if Lucas' lawyers threatened the creator of this animation with lawsuits.
It was boring.. I didn't watch a whole lot, still pretty neat, though.
Nothing happened beyond the 20th century text thing for me :\
.. I'm on dial-up and it works just fine for me.. maybe your dial-up knows your a noob. :p
Awesome! Is there any way to pause and stuff?
awesome! it makes me want to go through the boxes in my room for my original star wars VHS!
I never thought the Star Wars movies could get an geekier, but the internet has proven me wrong once again.
Heh, that's great!

Has anyone seen the colour IPv6 version they mention at the start?