Star Wars Jedi Academy FPS MP problem

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I got Star Wars: Jedi Academy and it's great and all 'cause I already beat the SP portion in like 2 days...:|
But I get like around 65-90 FPS with 1600x1200 resolution, 16-bit colour, no anistropic filtering or AA, bilinear settings and highest texture settings.
But on MP-I'm getting like 27 FPS.
I'm screwed(Need help please)
Tredoslop said:
How do I know which is which?

type fps1 in console or something.
check your ping, if its any higher then 200 its prolly lag. :o
You know, you could always lower resolution and see what happens...
Most likely its lag though.
I lowered resolution-i still get worse FPS.
And even when I go to solo-game-with bots-it's like this:(
But thanks for the help.
Imma gonna check now