Star wars republic commando review


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
The latest issue of PC ZONE, has the review in it [issue 152].

Picked it up today, and, they gave it: 80%.

Plus: Intuitive and streamlined squad system, moments of genuine charm, Nice battle chat and characters. Gob smacking music.

Negative: Repeated enviroments and set pieces. Too basic for some.

Functional and basic, but still a blast. They also note: It looks and feels like an xbox release.

I'm still buying it :)
StardogChampion said:
Not buying it.

Is that because it didn't get above 90% :P

Joking, you most likley played the demo, i never, but i heard some negative things, granted, some positive things as well.
not enough interest for me to buy it, too many other good games coming out soon to take my money
I thought the demo was horrible. Not a fan of squad based games, so it's highly likely I'll pass on this one.
I will pass. I wasn't impressed with the demo at all. I will only buy it if it gets raving reviews from everthing.
I'll buy it because I like it and I don't base what I do off other's opinions to that extent.

the demo was wayy too short, i didn;t knw what to think of it.
I played the demo and it was a cool game for awhile but got very repetitive
Well i've now played the demo, and, i have to admit its pretty bog standard. Although according to the review, the demo doesn't represent the actual game very well.

So, we'll see.