Star Wars Revenge Of The Brick

lego w00t, the lego yoda looks quite good for a lego
Lego and star wars? Where do I sign up!
lego is cool, i have an urge to buy the most techy lego technik and build the crane, i always wanted when i was lil'er to build that massive yellow crane it looked so ****ing cool
My local department store had a huge lifesize lego model of Darth Vader when I was a kid.
Joims said:
lego is cool, i have an urge to buy the most techy lego technik and build the crane, i always wanted when i was lil'er to build that massive yellow crane it looked so ****ing cool
In GNVQ Engineering at my school (1998) we had to make complex pneumatic and motorised robot arms from technic lego ... obviously mine were the most rhobust and awesome :D I spent way too much time making them though, I never did any real work and failed the whole subject, but what the hell. It was great fun :thumbs:
Heh, after reading the 'Star War: Return of the Idiots' thread, assumed the worst... :O
This is so much better than the actual film.

I really want to go out and buy some Lego now...
Mhuahahaha!!! khshhh... dudes, I'm the 1337.. khshhh

(lol thread title :p)
LOL :laugh:

kik asss movieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

hehe I loved the part where the whoookie took the picture LOL
The Brick said:
Mhuahahaha!!! khshhh... dudes, I'm the 1337.. khshhh

(lol thread title :p)
I actually expected the thread to be concerning you.
Heh. Brilliant. The game's not bad either. Me and a friend were playing the Co-Op on the hex bax the other day and it was quid good fun (certainly better than the other Episode 3 game anyway).
MuToiD_MaN said:
I actually expected the thread to be concerning you.
Yeah me too :P I typed my own name in the search machine for fun, when I saw this thread. I thought like wtf?