Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - on Wii

I can hear it now. Zwooosh. ZWOOOOSH. *CRACKLE*

*waves hands around frantically*
I'd like to see how motion based lightsaber combat comes out, as I've been a pretty big Jedi Academy/Outcast player over the years.

This is what I want to see on Wii.

Time to blow the dust off that bitch!

I wonder how they'll deal with instances when the two lightsabers are locked together...
Lets hope the "motion based lightsaber combat" doesnt flop like Red Steel...
Watch how many people madly swing their wiimote and wreck their own house.
If this is done right, it'll be one of the greatest games on the Wii.

Dual mode FTW!! This needs to be online!!! Don't screw this up!!!!
It would be sad if they removed the awesome DMM physics and procudural animation for the Wii version. Hopefully they can keep all that stuff in, while adding the nifty motion controls, but I doubt it.

Still... Wii Lightsaber ftw!
It's either going to be awesome or utter shite.
getting this one on PC and Wii. :)

<3 star wars.

It is coming to PC? Thats the first I heard of that.

It's either going to be awesome or utter shite.

That is the problem. The port is not being made by the same people that are creating the Xbox 360 /PS3 version, I believe. So this has more of a chance of being a really poor game.
It is coming to PC? Thats the first I heard of that.

That is the problem. The port is not being made by the same people that are creating the Xbox 360 /PS3 version, I believe. So this has more of a chance of being a really poor game.

not the same version of force unleashed, i think i read it at kotaku...
To be honest, the technology that the devs have displayed for the 360 version interests me more than an entire Wii version. And I <3 my Wii.

I suppose, I did enjoy Tiger 07, I may be taken in with this.

So, where do I buy a Wiimote attachment for my penis?