Starcraft on Source

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
What is your opinion on a starcraft mod for the source engine. With the conditions of havok physics and deformable terrain, etc etc.

Could u imagine how insane the battles would be? You got 100marines charching at the zerg, blood everywhere and out of nowhere zerglings tear your marines apart. You can see bullet holes in the corpses of the zerg and watch as your marines get decapitaed etc.

It would also let you have the ability to occupy a marines so u can kill zerglings from the 1st person. YOU WOULD BE PART OF THE BATTLE! Omg, it would be so great.
if you played starcraft, then u would know that ur marines explode in a pool of blood hahah so it wouldnt be that much worse.
100 dudes in just our team, plus the hundred of the enemies... man that would burn my rig *WHAZAM* off goes the amd
coolio2man said:
What is your opinion on a starcraft mod for the source engine. With the conditions of havok physics and deformable terrain, etc etc.

Could u imagine how insane the battles would be? You got 100marines charching at the zerg, blood everywhere and out of nowhere zerglings tear your marines apart. You can see bullet holes in the corpses of the zerg and watch as your marines get decapitaed etc.

It would also let you have the ability to occupy a marines so u can kill zerglings from the 1st person. YOU WOULD BE PART OF THE BATTLE! Omg, it would be so great.
I know it would be amazingly sweet, however Blizzard would shut it down faster than straw hut on fire. They do it everytime, so it seems. They are fairly stingy about mods.
Snowball is right, Blizzard wont let you. They've got their own plans for a FPS version IIRC anyway, so another reason why they wont allow it

Nothing stopping you doing something similar and just changing all the names and appearances, effectively making it nothing like it. You can do it then, though it wont be starcraft no more obviously :D
or create something similiar but not the same
for example
change the name of zerg to.......xerg :)

I just mean
create you own ideas
I not sayng that dont make a mod like starcraft, just create your ideas, and maybe you can put things that you will like to see in starcraft

if I can made a mod, everithing in the mod will be designed by me!
(well I am creating one,in my mind, and there is were it will be ;( )
"Allow me to present my new mod: SpaceCraft featuring the three races:
Humans, Xerg (good name RJMC) and the Toss! Comming to a copy of Half-Life 2 near you!"
Its a shame blizzard is that way... there were some pretty cool SC mods there were commin out for various games.
If you design the mod with your team in complete secrecy, release it without allowing anyone to know who designed it, and ensuring it gets downloaded by using P2P networks then you could have a Star-Craft mod without worrying much about Blizzard...

But of course something like that would probably never work. Which is too bad considering how much fun it could be. Ya I know Star-Craft: Ghost is in the works but its going to be for console junk and plus it won't be nearly as good as if it were done on Source.
Anyone ever play that WC3 mod they had going at wc3forge before the game came out? Too bad Blizzard shut that down, that was cool :(

Back on topic, a game very similar to what coolio is saying.. Ground Control 2. My friend got in the beta, wow. That game is absolutely beautiful
coolio2man said:
What is your opinion on a starcraft mod for the source engine.
What's your opinion on a Half-Life 2 mod for the Starcraft engine? :rolling:
that'd be pretty awesome actually. Half life strategy game in the starcraft engine
I think it is funny that people on a forum for Half-Life, the game in which marines exploded and we could see their one remaining eyeball inside their bloody skull and people were infested by parasites that slowly tore their ribs apart to expose their inner organs, are describing what you said, Coolio, as graphic.
I'm suprised by the lack of creativity I see everywhere. I could write one idea after another...non stop. The best you can come up with is a star-craft rip off?

If you an a team of people are going to be putting a lot of work into the project, the least you can do is try to come up with something that is partailly creative.
phantomdesign said:
I'm suprised by the lack of creativity I see everywhere. I could write one idea after another...non stop. The best you can come up with is a star-craft rip off?

If you an a team of people are going to be putting a lot of work into the project, the least you can do is try to come up with something that is partailly creative.

Now now, starcraft was an awsome game and it would be cool to see it in an fps environment. Of course if I was gonna spend time making a mod (which I am) I would do something unique and creative.

*stretches* It's good to be back. :cool:
Creativity is great but if people don't want to play it what's the point? Counter-Strike has to be the most uncreative mod ever and we all know the story behind that.

As for me, i'd be very interested in a starcraft mod. Could be interesting to see a few maps with all three races as well with the option of allying with one of them at a cost. Dropping marines off in transports, Goliaths could be vehicles used by marines, as could vultures. When a zealot warrior dies he has the option of returning as a dragoon.

There is a lot of potential.
:hmph: I'd say Source or Havok engine meets Call of Duty. :naughty:
How about instead of having an RTS in halflife 2 with the option of being one of the troops, why don't you instead have a multi class FPS, otherwise the most people in a game would be 1 per team

also something you should know, if you base a mod on your own ideas you won't have starcraft geeks going "OMGOMG starcraft wasn't like that j00 gots it rong, j00 suk, kekekekekeek ^_^"

In order to get past copyrights 1st off, use generic names
Space Marine can stay as space marines cause its a pretty generic term

Firebat can change to Flamethrower Trooper

Ghost can be changed to Spy

SCV can change to Engineer

Instead of Zerg you can name them some weird ass alien sounding name with lots ok Xs and Ys in it

Secondly, alter enough of the look to make it different and inject with your own ideas. Blizzard did with Warhammer 40k to come up with Starcraft. For instance your "zergling" type unit might be able to do long leaps. Your "ghost" type unit might be able to lay a small timed briefcase type nuke instead of using the laser targeted nuke

thirdly come up with your own storyline independant of the original

Fourthly give it a name that has nothing to do with starcraft.
phantomdesign said:
I'm suprised by the lack of creativity I see everywhere. I could write one idea after another...non stop.

Doesn't mean they'd be any good. Coogan's Alan Partridge came up with one idea after another.....
SnowBall said:
I know it would be amazingly sweet, however Blizzard would shut it down faster than straw hut on fire. They do it everytime, so it seems. They are fairly stingy about mods.

Yea especially in my opinion that blizzard has been making some very stupid mistakes, eg - sc ghost (3rd person only and console only) and world of warcraft p2p and the beta has like 1000 players only ( largest test ever my ass!)

but if they were to make a sc ghost with awesome graphics and story line etc, that would be very amazing! and the multiplayer controlling carriers and etc . that would ROCK!
SnowBall said:
Its a shame blizzard is that way...
It's good business to protect the value and integrity of your intellectual property. I see nothing shameful about their conduct.
i agree however i think they have been screwing up their companies style right after bill roper and a the other few left to form flagship studios. I think blizzard could do so much better right now instead of sc g and wow.
Matrix said:
Yea especially in my opinion that blizzard has been making some very stupid mistakes, eg - sc ghost (3rd person only and console only) and world of warcraft p2p and the beta has like 1000 players only ( largest test ever my ass!)

but if they were to make a sc ghost with awesome graphics and story line etc, that would be very amazing! and the multiplayer controlling carriers and etc . that would ROCK!

Er.. SC: Ghost does have awesome graphics and a good storyline to boot. Blizzard won't disappoint with it, but it may not suit some people

Also, I hear WoW is absolutely amazing, all I've heard about it is praise after praise from the major gaming websites.
Fenric said:
Doesn't mean they'd be any good. Coogan's Alan Partridge came up with one idea after another.....
Monkey tennis! :D

Moved due to the apparent relevance it has to the General Editing Forum.
ComradeBadger said:
Monkey tennis! :D

Moved due to the apparent relevance it has to the General Editing Forum.

I agree that Blizzard has been going down hill lately. The used to be my favorite company, and still are one of favorites, but SC: Ghost never appealed to me and neither did WoW until recently. The more I look at that game, the more interesting it seems, but I still would never get it because it's pay per month.
Half-life based FPS Starcraft?

Isn't that pretty much what Natural Selection is?
Just change marines into soldiers, medics into medics, firebats into pyros, SCVs in to engineers, ghosts in to snipers and you have TFC.
Or change Marines into Po, medics into Tinky winky, Firebats into lala, ghosts into dipsy and scv's into noo noo and you have the Teletubbies...

It would be fun to play...i remember watching the intro in broodwar and thinking how cool it would be to stand in that trench in an FPS of course, and look up as the battlecrusier flew off.
I remember one of my friends being against a Starcraft in 3D, mainly because Zerg is suppose to be a slimy-as-hell-alien-race. After seeing the shader-effect on the Ant Lion Guard in the DX9-movie I don't think that's gonna be a problem. ;)
I'd just love to watch the creep slowly growing over the terrain and then watch as a space marine bogged down explodes outwards as a Sunken Colony smashes its spike up through the ground and right into him.
Pendragon said:
What I'd be interested in seeing is a realistic squad-based game with those visual standards--god's-eye view of the action, right above where it's happening, gritty, visceral, strategy. Somewhat like Fallout Tactics, using (of course) an original setting and such. I'm writing a DD now for it, as a matter of fact. I'll post it sometime soon if people are interested.

Trust me when I say Ground Control 2.
you know what would be cool?

iif the player that chooses to be a zergling type creature could have AI squadmates following him around helping in multiplayer

For example, lets say I am running around as a zergling type alien, I would have 1 or more identical AI controlled zergling type aliens follwing me, depending on if me team is understaffed or not. Considered how effective the HL2 AI is they might be able to mimic what actions you take and which directions you go.

Whith the AI teammates you could ensure that the cheap ass monsters still get their numerical superiority even if the team does not have more people.

So lets say i spot a marine, i run at him with my AI teammates, he rattles away with his machinegun , distracted by our seemingly larger numbers and takes out two of my ai buddies but the rest of us swarm him ripping him to shreds.

It would ensure that the marines work as a team to counter the alien's numbers
a starcraft game for HL2 (where everyone is one specific unit from the game) would be REALLY cool. Imagine being a Tank or a Dragoon or a Templar or a Mutalisk... it'd be really good, but it's not going to happen unless Blizzard does it. But they don't make FPS games.
Well it all IS cool when you think about "i wanna be this and that and I will ripp0r up y0 4$$ w1th m1 1337 g00n" but what would be new about it? Classes have been done over and over, if you wanna do a 16 vs 16 you play one of those Netlaggers from the BF consortium... What really is missing are some new elements in gameplay... That's why CS rocked when it came out, you had to perform good if you wanted a new weapon, instead of pure deathmatch they introduced alternate goals (bombing / hostages), and the round system (only respawn after end of round) was fairly new too. NS is great because it captures a dense atmosphere together with a critical need for teamplay and a wide variety of strategies as well as two totally different playsides.

I agree that there is a crapload of potential in SC... The idea of controlling a swarm of zerglings instead of one individual is kewl at least, but hey, the idea is portable, you can create your own humanslaughtering goo dripping clawmonster, then nobody is going to shut you down, nobody will toast you back just because the Zergling is a quarter of an inch to long nad you will have the opportunity to visualize your personal nightmare.
Reviving a dead thread.

what Konfuzzus sais is true you'd need new gameplay styles. After looking at some of Starcrafts SP campaign I say there are plenty you could alter anyway you want and still get the same feel i.e. several missions need you to get a transponder/crystal to a beacon.

There are plenty of ideas that could be made and have the feel of starcraft without touching Blizzards material. Who says you need 3 races, introduce a fourth or fith. Call them "Patriots" and have all their units as Cyborgs.

Aslong as you build bases and have 3 resources (unlike NS which only has 1) and have the usual build/upgrade requirments and boom a mod only slightly related to Starcraft.

I'd love to see a unit like the "Battlecruiser" heck it could still be called that and just have a different shape. Rename the "Yamato Gun" to "Charge Beam" change the fx and there you go.

A nice addition could be some units need more than 1 person to operate ie Your a Marine and your Airport has just built said Battlecruiser. You run up to it hop in and take the pilot/main gunner seat. You could then have side/rear gunners and the "Charge Beam" operator.
phantomdesign said:
I'm suprised by the lack of creativity I see everywhere. I could write one idea after another...non stop. The best you can come up with is a star-craft rip off?

If you an a team of people are going to be putting a lot of work into the project, the least you can do is try to come up with something that is partailly creative.

maybe the guy just likes the whole starcraft world/setting. what's so wrong with that? it's the same reason things like star wars are so successful. people just love the atmosphere. yeah it's good to come up with original and new things but sometimes it's just fun to explore your favorite stories and settings in a different experience. i don't see how wanting to experience more of the starcraft theme in a different game justifies a verbal bashing.
A StarCraft FPS would be damn awesome.
I remember before Blizzard announced World of Warcraft, no one knew what they would unveil, and someone faked a few screenshots of an SC FPS called StarCraft: Mercenary and everyone went crazy. It was funny.

Sucks that it was fake. :(
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Yay to my fanclub!

-Angry Lawyer