starforce problems


Nov 24, 2006
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ever since I've bought starforce games i've had this wierd error "security error" or something of that nature. I do not have any emulator software on my PC (bought it used) and have deleted daemon and starf**ker as well and nothing has helped. will i have to go and get a exe crack to play a game i have bought legally? where can i find a list of programs that starforce looks for?
What game is it?. Also i do recommend getting a crack for Starforce games cause there Drivers have been known to cause some problem with Windows and Hardware it stopped mt DVD RW drive from working.
ever since I've bought starforce games i've had this wierd error "security error" or something of that nature. I do not have any emulator software on my PC (bought it used) and have deleted daemon and starf**ker as well and nothing has helped. will i have to go and get a exe crack to play a game i have bought legally? where can i find a list of programs that starforce looks for?

Ever since you've bought Starforce games? Do you actually buy a game because it has Starforce, and not because it is a good / bad game? That's like saying "Ever since I've bought key-using cars...." The key / protection scheme is not an actual feature that is used to describe a product. In fact, Starforce hides itself so sneakily, that only people that have had so many problems that they start digging, will ever know about it. But those people that finally do know the name "Starforce", do NOT go out and buy any more Starforced games. So if you know SF is the problem, why are you still going out and buying games with it on them? Just to find out if a game has SF on it is a hassle, so the fact that you have gone through that hassle and still bought them anyway really says something about you...

If you bought the PC used, the FIRST thing you should have done would have been to reformat, so you could start using it almost like it was brand new again.

There is no "list of programs that starforce looks for", and I have no idea what the hell you mean by that. If you think that SF "attaches" itself to other programs to "protect" them, you are wrong. SF comes infecting the programs (games) that use it already. If you mean "what software does SF conflict with", you should have said that. I know it has issues with Daemon tools and Alcohol, and tries to prevent you even installing them (apparently), which is illegal, because it is your PC to do with as you wish, not theirs. If you want to install software, then some crap that installs without you knowing, no EULA, and hides itself in your PC, should not be able to stop you.

Then of course we have the physical hardware failures (permanently ruined), usually DVD burners. But how and why that happens is for another time.
ok, i'll admit i should have worded that better, and i'm guessing i was wrong in thinking that SF looks for programs that MIGHT be used for copying software. Then again, I thought we had a right to have a backup copy of any software we bought, but i could be wrong about that too. (I'm not in any sense a lawyer) Also, I didn't mean i go out looking for games that have starforce on them. If you look on a box of fear, lego star wars 1 and 2, or any other game that has starforce on it, it fails to mention that in the required specs or anything on the box (or in the EULA, as I've printed and read) So, besides downloading a crack is there any other legal way besides wiping my hard drive and spending an entire day re-installing windows and MP3s, HL2, etc. just to play this game?
Are you trying to play from a backup disk cause it won't work. There is no other legal way to play the game that i can think off. FEAR does not use Starforce and on most boxes they do say that the game is protected but if starforce is the problem then don't buy Starforce games simple.
Fear, and lego star wars 1 and 2 are NOT Starforced games, so I don't know where you got that from.

Just re-format, you should have done that the day you got it anyway.