Starforce: "YOU talking pure LIES???" and other silly comments


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
best customer service ever, spelling ftw:

Starforce customer rep: "You’re lying! IF you publish an appology on our forums for being a liar, we may continue converstaiton."

"What’s this all about? Over at, the admin has posted an exchange he had with Starforce customer service. To be honest, we’re not nearly technoheaded enough to figure out what the issue that started the discussion was about… it has something to do with “multidropper techniques” Starforce uses to propogate itself over networks, preventing it from being deleted. The initial post was politely worded.

So how did Starforce respond? Just about the way you’d expect, given their claims that their critics are members of the Russian mafia: they called him a liar, then asked him how much he was being paid. Rather humorlessly,’s admin immediately started threatening lawsuits, making us roll our eyes. But the real joy in the exchange is this resplendent moment in which Starforce demonstrates the omniscient ken of their customer service skills."

Comment from Sage386 (Starforce Admin)

"What are you talking about??
SF in a MBR?? Spread across every partition and shared network drive?? What a nonsense!
You mister are talking tales.

I understand your attitude to SF, but talking pure LIES???
What kind of person you are?

Or, rather should i ask how much you get paid for those posts?"
ya it's completely rediculous to even go that route
the problem is that all this will accomplish is to give more bad press to Starforce which it already has plenty of - making fun of a moron like that starforce admin gets no results
Can the guy back up his claims with 100% concrete proof that Starforce is propogating itself over the network?
but that wouldnt matter much in a court of law ..he's suing for publishing copyrighted material not defamation of character or slander:

"I will give you one more chance to apologise and remove the offending posts from that thread which violate both my intellectual Copyrights as well as the Copyrights of NGH and In case you are not aware of online legislation. I can make such a request at any point in time when my Copyrighted material is being used in contradiction to my authorised use.

I had hoped that this issue could have been resolved in a more amicable manner however its becoming very obvious that litigation is going to be the only path.

I am now issuing a formal notice of Unauthorized use of Copyright material on the Starforce Forums.

In case you are not aware, this is as serious of an issue as the previous posting of the Galciv II P2P link. I suggest you have a word with the CEO of Security Technologies or their legal Team before responding, as your responses will be presented in evidence should Security Technologies choose not to comply with International Online legislation."