Starfox 64

Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to know who else here appreciates the classical, wonderful game that is StarFox 64.

Such a great game. I've actually memorized most of the dialogue in the entire game.
Indeed. It was one of the greats on the N64.

Funny, I just played it like 3 days ago and was gonna comment on it when I got a chance. Crazy.

I also played Perfect Dark for the first time in a long time. Still great.
Ya I remember having a lot of fun with it.

Unfortunately for me I tried it again a few months ago and I cringed at most of the dialogue. Turns out I could only truly enjoy the game when I was younger. ;(
yeh i liked the starfox game on SNES. it was great and it was 3D!
Was one of my favorites too.
I remember my new Rumble Pack almost shorting out on Macbeth.
the SNES version was much more serious, and much harder.
One of the best games ever. Me and my mate used to play it for hours and hours on end. That along with Duke Nukem 64 and Goldeneye. Those 3 games together were unbeatable. n64 rawked.
Ahhh, the good al' days with Golden eye, ahh, great MP
i dyill hoy prtgrvy fstk snf mu n65

edit. aparently i missed home row.

i still got my perfect dark and my n64.
What a great game that was!!!!!!!!
Starfox 64, Mario 64....such amazing games. I wanna play them again...I wish I had a 64 :(
I didnt like the MP much, but the whole game was great, beating it on the hardest difficuilty was awesome...god...i beat that game so many times....I WANT MY LIFE BACK!
I loved it. I'd have parties where friends and family would play MP for hours. It didn't have variety, but it was fun.
That game is awsome. I lent it to a friend and forgot to get it back.
I should go do that.
Wait... Just Imagine. Starfox 64 for DS. that would be cool
Warbie said:

hmm. yeah i played it once at a friend's place.. fun stuff :)
off topic: i think u should just get a name change.. change it to Mog ;)
it would fit ur avatar so well :E