Stargate SG1 Development stopped


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
JoWooD terminates development agreement with Perception

Rottenmann, Austria, 5th of August 2005;
JoWooD regrets to be forced to cancel the development agreement with Perception, the Australian developer currently responsible for the Stargate-SG1: The AllianceTM license title. “The title in its current form, initially scheduled for an October 2005 release, does satisfy neither our quality requirements nor the fans expectations. We will not release anything that does not do justice to this well known license” says Albert Seidl, CEO JoWooD Productions Software AG. “In recent months we have invested a lot of time and resources in helping Perception finish the development, but we now simply have lost confidence in their ability to finish this project in time and sufficient quality.”

Following the termination JoWooD has asked for repayment of their investment in development and further expenses. According to our reading of the contract the rights to the title as well as the source code are transferred to JoWooD“. After delivery of the code and assets JoWooD will review the possibility of seeking out developers if it is economically viable to finish the title” reports Michael Paeck, Executive Producer for JoWooD Productions Software AG. “We are, however, not prepared to release anything but a top quality title. Fans of the show as well as gamers would not accept anything less. There are several options to consider, among them potentially moving to next-gen consoles for the title.”
Coming from a company that released Soldner and countless other lame games. This one must have been exceptionally bad.
o_O I hate StarGate SG1 They can rot in hell stupid a**whipes going into porals for what new technology and THEY GO IN WITH P90's!!!! WTF IS THAT!!! Omg I hate that show to they show it every day all day on my channel 13 bi*chs I hate em I hate their game to the gfx sux alot and who would want P90'S!!!! IF A FUTUREISTIC GAME FIGHTING ALIENS!!!! AHH ILL RAPE EM!!
CrackatiCs said:
o_O I hate StarGate SG1 They can rot in hell stupid a**whipes going into porals for what new technology and THEY GO IN WITH P90's!!!! WTF IS THAT!!! Omg I hate that show to they show it every day all day on my channel 13 bi*chs I hate em I hate their game to the gfx sux alot and who would want P90'S!!!! IF A FUTUREISTIC GAME FIGHTING ALIENS!!!! AHH ILL RAPE EM!!

Shut the **** up.
And die.
Tasteless idiot.
CrackatiCs said:
o_O I hate StarGate SG1 They can rot in hell stupid a**whipes going into porals for what new technology and THEY GO IN WITH P90's!!!! WTF IS THAT!!! Omg I hate that show to they show it every day all day on my channel 13 bi*chs I hate em I hate their game to the gfx sux alot and who would want P90'S!!!! IF A FUTUREISTIC GAME FIGHTING ALIENS!!!! AHH ILL RAPE EM!!

Wow. You're ****ing retarded.
I thought the movie was pretty decent. Could never get into the show though.
she show ic nice, but don't they generally go with mp5's.
Anyway just today I watched the latest epicode on Dutch TV, it was about martin, he and a couple a lieans had come to earth years before, as deserters. But then he wanted to go back, and his mates drugged him and made him lose his memory, but he rememberd, but not fully, and they helped him. So how much years are we behind the US.
<RJMC> said:
IMO is bad and boring

Your opinion is wrong, you suck at life. Stargate SG-1 is fecking sweet, go watch your 24 or whatever you kids do.
^^ lol, well I hope they hand the project over to more competant folk.
Pesmerga said:
Your opinion is wrong, you suck at life. Stargate SG-1 is fecking sweet, go watch your 24 or whatever you kids do.

kid? haha

and a serie whit space travels to another worlds where the just few alien looks like a alien and the rest looks like humans whit a simbol in the front,and the planets looks like earth and whit laser gun that looks like copied from stars wars or something like dont looks like a kids show?

is just a crappy sci fi serie bad made
nah sg1 has elements of physics fun, odd happenings guns explosions, interesting idea, a tidy back story, and Richard dean anderson plays his role well, and is kinda funny which makes it all work,

go watcha few of the finale episodes, they kick ass!"!! like the series 7 finale was like :O cooll