starry starry night


Mar 29, 2005
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yeah i need a skybox texture that is outer space or really late night out in the country. I need a place to get that starry material....and i need to be taught how to add the custom skybox texture as a custom texture as well. can anyone assist me?
yeah youd think that through all valve has to offer it would at least have one....go figure. Or maybe im just a spoiled bastard having all these resources - so when something isnt there i get pissed.
i REALLY need a star skybox.

(cs:s on a space ship :p)
well.. create then! there is a space 2D sky box somewere but if i find it i try to figure out how to and i make it 100 times better ;)
hey i got this to work and all, but i want to know if i can use my custom skybox texture using just 1 of the .vtf files (to save room). i can pull this off cause the texture is stars, and so all 6 of the .vtf are the same image, only they have different names (bk, ft, etc). if it possible just to have one .vtf and have the 6 vmts refer to that one vmt, or do all 6 vtfs have to be present in order for this to work?
simply use photoshop to make your sky texture.
You need 6 textures, one for each face of the box.
the textures all must share the same name accept for the last bit.
for example.

the underscore isnt nessesary, but the last 2 letters are mandatory to line up the box.
(use the ofset filter to make sure each texture lines up with the next).

save the textures as .tga, and drop them in your materialsrc/skybox.
Run them through vtex and create your vmt for each.
"note you can have some real fun with the vmt adding cool effects like animations etc".

heres a simple skybox from my mod project fighter.
yeah im pretty sure all 6 .vtfs are necessary. i messed with it and ended up getting 5 checkerboard walls for whatever .vfts were missing. guess that answers my own question.....
its kind of generic. just look up stars or starry on google and use that image as your skybox texture. the one i got was from an 8-year-old star wars game.
I'm making a 2048 texture night sky skybox.
I made the 6 pics, compiled them as skybox ("skybox" "1" in the txt), put them in the cs materials/skybox folder, made them unlitgeneric with the base texture pointing to "skybox/stars1_bk" and the other with the appropriate extension, and yet cs says it cant load them. Why?
I followed tutorials at hl2w0r1d and editlife.
1024x1024 is fine but you could go bigger if you wanted.