starship troopers game review OMG!


I love the under title for the first thumbnail.
'This game sucks. Would you like to know more?' :laugh:
I feared that this would suffer the movie to game problems...
Damn shame, had so much potential.
Oh, and it sounded so good when I first heard about it.
I played the was absolutly horrid..100% horrible
SearanoX said:
Was there someone actually looking forward to this?

Yeah... You see that guy over there? He did. We should take him....
Well,it is bad.
Play the demo and see for yourself.
I wonder how much the Stargate game is going to suck?
Loke said:

I love the under title for the first thumbnail.
'This game sucks. Would you like to know more?' :laugh:
True, that's so great :D
I was looking forward to it the same way I look forward to playing Serious Sam - blowin' lots of shiz up. Oh well.
Is this the same one that was announced back in like... '97? I remember reading the preview in my PCGamer magazine back then, and thinking it looked awesome, what with the bugs... and, guns... and stuff... Maybe if they had made it a little faster it wouldn't suck so hard?

Edit: There goes my elipse allowance for the week... :(
I played the demo and all i can say is "retarded".
OMG guys. I worked on that game <cries>
Why would anyone sign up to work on a game like that?
I feel ashamed just for thinking this game was going to be good.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Why would anyone sign up to work on a game like that?

Okay, I hope you dont think I was serious. lol.
Raziaar said:
Okay, I hope you dont think I was serious. lol.

No its a question to the developers. You made me think of it, thats all.
Those poor developers. Only way they can salvage is to sell at extremly cheap prices ($20) or rework the entire game.
I really wanted this game to be good.

Like Call of Duty except with bugs.
I played the demo, it was Ok-ish, but having to blast through swarms and swarms and swarms of beasties doesn't appeal.
I personally loved the demo, although i can honestly say, there has never been a game that i hate, so ..... yeah ......
Drackard said:
I personally loved the demo, although i can honestly say, there has never been a game that i hate, so ..... yeah ......

Play Big Rigs.
And open your eyes to the true meaning of suck.;)
Yes, but at the end of the day it all comes down to a matter of opinion, which we all have to respect :P
at least we can look forward to the fan-made Half-Life 2 engine based equivalent.
falconwind said:
at least we can look forward to the fan-made Half-Life 2 engine based equivalent.

Yeah, the one that doesn't run good because of the 20 npc's there are on the screen.