Starship troopers game trailer...

So far I'm not that anxious over this game, it may just be a trick to cash in some more money on the first movie's success. The screenshots don't look that good either.
just got done downloading and some parts actually look rather decent...
Straship Troopers.

Mispelling on the title bar of the screenshot page...

My impressions? It has promise, but it still looks a little rough around the edges. Explosions need to be beefier, and I didn't think much of the shotgun used. The Morita rifle (assuming that's what it is) also sounds strangely different to its movie counterpart. Bugs look cool though - mainly the standard Arachnids. The flying ones weren't so great, and the Tanker bug could be a bit meaner (some additional special FX would be nice too - like the antennae crackle when it starts up its flame spray).

Still, the game is in its early development stages at the moment, so I expect to see alot more polish in the final version. I just hope they don't abandon their co-operative plans like so many other games have in recent times (eg. H&D2, Call Of Cthulhu, Doom 3, Halo). I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure, though.
hmmmm downloading... extremly....... slowly.......

sooooooooo slllooooooowww......... :x
marksmanHL2 :) said:
hmmmm downloading... extremly....... slowly.......

sooooooooo slllooooooowww......... :x

Same. Very slow for me too!
Okay, I've seen a little off it and I have to admit some of it look very impressive! :)
can someone else host the file somewhere...else? i am going at a speedy 5 and a half kB/s


(I used download accelerator plus and doubled my speed) :)

It looks... fantastic actually. Alot of fun! :D
Just saw the video, looks great. :D Could use better physics though.
A lot of things need a lot of improving....

Animations for the shotgun especially look basic, explosions look like from a 2 year old game...

And the never-ending dust ? what's up with that ? there weren't enough bugs there to make that :S

Since it's for 2005, I have hopes they can improve this.... but I dunno, when teams make their videos they're usually showing you something final or near-final...
This game has potential....hopefully they can pull off a sweet enjoyable experience.
Looked pretty impressive, heavily scripted by the looks but quite impressive, the guys leg falling down seemed funny but a little out of place.
"Starship Troopers™ the Game will be released 2005"
Taken from the site.. That game-revolution site is obviously an older starship troopers game released in 2000.
The DL is slow probably because we are all DLing it the same time :rolleyes:
i have the starship troopers game. its a RTS. obviously not the same game we're talking about here...
burnzie said:
i have the starship troopers game. its a RTS. obviously not the same game we're talking about here...

yup this new ones going to be an FPS...
Why are all games based on the film?

I'm going to make one based on the book. With people who aren't stupid and bugs that carry weapons. And Power suits.

Stompy stompy.
I like the impression of the powersuits that I got from the book. Much more agile and smaller than most people envisage them. The way he talked about artificial muscle and things like that gave me the impression a person wearing the suit might look about 7 or 8 foot tall but not the kind of thing they had in CGI cartoon.

Anyway, I saw this a while ago and it looks interesting, but I'm just not sure really. It hasn't had a lot of press and it could end up being the b-movie sequal of gaming that Starship Troopers 2 was (Straight to DVD :x)
This game is full of bugs, he he he.

It looks ok; doesnt get me really excited or anything.
i was soo looking forward to starship troopers 2. im sorry, but the acting was horrible, especialy the beginning.
Ghost Freeman said:
My much butchering are they going to do of the novel...
My god its you! ...and your avatar! Its of FMA! The greatest show EVER!
Starship Troopers 2 was on a bad budget with a worse director....they had to use the old starship captain as a character due to the low budget =\
ST2 upset me but you have to look at it as a seperate movie, not a sequal. That way you dont curse yourself for wasting 1-2 hours of your life that you will never get back. :( if you're still waiting for downloading. I don't see why anyone would use anything else (lesser mortals)
The trailer actually looks sweet, the human shredding looks alot better than the bug shredding ;)
they still got a whole year till release, im hoping they come a long way from now till then.
Yeah.. I hope you can throw a nade into the mouth of the tanker... a couple of shotgun blast cant possibly put down that thing.
<RJMC> said:
whats FMA?
Full Metal Alchemist. Probably the best and most original anime I've seen. I'm totally impressed with it. Its build like Trigun as far as mood goes, but has tons of originality in story and charcters. Plus the animation is top quality for a series.