StarSiege:2845, a total conversion for Tribes:Vengeance


Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
StarSiege2845. The team is making a total conversion for Tribes:Vengeance in the likeness of the original StarSiege.

You don't have to be a diehard fan to enjoy what they are cooking up; it will have lumbering HERCS, flyers, infantry of all types, and massive tanks sporting incredible weaponry; it is suited to anyone's play style.

It even has a single player made with help from the man who helped develop the original EarthSiege series storyline!

Just make sure to spread the word, because through no fault of their own they got stuck on a dying game, but you can pick it up anywhere for around $29.99.

If any of you know what I'm talking about, then you would know that such great potential doesn't deserve to be recieved by a tiny audience on a dead game. For those of you who have the game and don't know of this(yeah, right...), an Alpha version is being prepared and should be ready in January!

Anyways, feel free to hop in the forums and say hello, most of the people will be happy to greet you. Just remember to do a search for any questions you may have before you post them.
Sounds cool, I hope it becomes very popular so I consider buying T:V too and I also hope the developer of the game realizes that the whole feeling of T:V sucks and when they make the next Tribes they return to the real Tribes gameplay.