Start-off point in Aftermath


Dec 20, 2005
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I have overcome several disscusions according where Gordon will actually start off in Aftermath

So, I want all conjectures what you think the first sequence of Aftermath will look like

:DHave no doubt in Valve Software!!:D
You're found by Dog and Alyx like in the teaser, you are in the citadel, about 2/3 of the way up, surrounded by stalkers and soldiers. After being found you will have to meet up with Eli and Mossman and they will give you the blue gravity gun.

What I reckon anyway.
Not to flame but thats definatly NOT the Citadel in the beginning.

As I've stated before, you most likely start off in the Citadel, get knocked out sometime later, and then found by dog.
I think it'll be something like this - remember the end? The time was slowing down and it stopped. GMan appeared and left. Aftermath will probably begin with some super cool sentence by the G-Man, and the screen will fade-in in the exact same place and time when we left. The time will speed up to it's normal speed and... the teleport explosion will not hurt Gordon and Alyx. Instead, it's going to teleport them to the true Combine world. But only for a second, they'll teleport back somewhere in the citadel.

Or something.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Not to flame but thats definatly NOT the Citadel in the beginning.

As I've stated before, you most likely start off in the Citadel, get knocked out sometime later, and then found by dog.

Just checked again and you're right.

Urgh can't believe I missed this, it's so obvious. You start out on a razor train with Alyx escaping the citadel :p
Um....not necessarily. Nobody really knows the exact area you start in.

Although unlikely, for all we know we start out on the Combine Homeworld
Samon said:
It will start off in the Citadel, thats pretty much certain.
Question is, where in the Citadel?

My best guess is that you start off in the same room where Breen was talking to Combine Advisor - the same room Alyx came from when you've destroyed the teleporter. Again, I'd like to emphasize that you're likely to be wakened by Alyx after G-Man's introductory speech.
The point was that you're going to start on a train.
Probably the citadel. But will the g-man make an appearance.
Sam-2k said:
The point was that you're going to start on a train.
You're saying that as soon as the first level fades in you find yourself wake up/stand in a train? So you're basically suggesting that either Alyx has dragged Gordon all the way down from Breen's office to the train, or he has lunatically walked to the train with Alyx? Very unlikely.

And yes, riomhaire, I believe G-Man will make an appearance at the start. Definitely.
iMMuNiTy said:
You're saying that as soon as the first level fades in you find yourself wake up/stand in a train? So you're basically suggesting that either Alyx has dragged Gordon all the way down from Breen's office to the train, or he has lunatically walked to the train with Alyx? Very unlikely.

And yes, riomhaire, I believe G-Man will make an appearance at the start. Definitely.
Maybe the g-man puts him on a train. But the train symbolises alot. Wether or not he starts on a train(or those pod things) will have alot of meaning.
ríomhaire said:
Maybe the g-man puts him on a train. But the train symbolises alot. Wether or not he starts on a train(or those pod things) will have alot of meaning.
What about Alyx? He puts her on the train too?

Alyx: *slowly wakes up* Hubba wha?.. How'd we get here?
Gordon: *stands up from the ground* ... *draws out his uber gravity gun*
Alyx: When the teleporter exploded it must have somehow teleported us into this train... odd.
Im pretty certain you start off somewhere in The Citadel, but the exact location is impossible to guess. But the movieteaser can also be a trick, to make us believe all this stuff, and then totally surprise us

And im also pretty certain that G-Man will not make an intro speech like in HL2. Because this time he hasn't got control over Gordon as in the beginning of HL2. This subject is brought to air in the thread "G-man sounded pissed"

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!
Oppressor said:
Im pretty certain you start off somewhere in The Citadel, but the exact location is impossible to guess. But the movieteaser can also be a trick, to make us believe all this stuff, and then totally surprise us

And im also pretty certain that G-Man will not make an intro speech like in HL2. Because this time he hasn't got control over Gordon as in the beginning of HL2. This subject is brought to air in the thread "G-man sounded pissed"

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!
He isn't pissed rigth from the start of AM.
Oppressor said:
Im pretty certain you start off somewhere in The Citadel, but the exact location is impossible to guess. But the movieteaser can also be a trick, to make us believe all this stuff, and then totally surprise us

And im also pretty certain that G-Man will not make an intro speech like in HL2. Because this time he hasn't got control over Gordon as in the beginning of HL2. This subject is brought to air in the thread "G-man sounded pissed"

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!

No, it will be in the Citadel. We've seen Citadel screens, and we've been told it picks up where HL2 left off. Its in the Citadel.

This time he hasn't got control? How'd you know? That is pure speculation. Just because Gman sounded a little edgy, does not immediately imply he is talking to Gordon. Or anyone else for that matter.
Pissing off Samon isn't for the good of this thread.

*leaves before things get ugly*
Samon said:
I am in no way pissed. I am an exceedingly calm individual!
OK, I believe you, you're calm, just put down the gun!
As much as I am scacred of Samon, i think i'll stay to see things get messy.

Our Gordon will start in some part of the Citadel, G-Man might talk, and he will wake up most probably near or in a train / pod.
evilsloth said:
As much as I am scacred of Samon, i think i'll stay to see things get messy.

Our Gordon will start in some part of the Citadel, G-Man might talk, and he will wake up most probably near or in a train / pod.
So you're saying G-Man might talk and that he will wake up most probably near or in a train/pod?

Sorry if my ideas botherd you Samon, but this thread is open to debate, right?
We are just discussing our ideas, and we intend to keep up with that
Oppressor said:
Sorry if my ideas botherd you Samon, but this thread is open to debate, right?
As long as your ideas are supported by Samon. Respect his authoriteh.
I'm really pissed at the fact that you start of in the citadel, which is widely confirmed as a fact. Like you play as Gordon. Which is confirmed as a fact. And sucks.

The G-man said...
Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you, if and when your time comes around again. AND THAT TIME IS NOW! *shoves Gordon back into exploding citadel*
Jintor said:
I'm really pissed at the fact that you start of in the citadel, which is widely confirmed as a fact. Like you play as Gordon. Which is confirmed as a fact. And sucks.

The G-man said...
Yeah, I was a bit confused when I heard a confirmation for the expansion pack. "If and when your time comes round again." Or is it... a reference?

"If and when Aftermath will be released..."
Oppressor said:
Sorry if my ideas botherd you Samon, but this thread is open to debate, right?
We are just discussing our ideas, and we intend to keep up with that

They did not bother me, this is indeed a speculation forum and nothing you did or said has been stupid, or irrelevant.
Yeah. The guy's pizza was being late.

Everybody move along. Nothing happened.
You'll start off in the Citadel, but I really doubt you'll start off on the train. The train is on the lower-levels of the Citadel where they ship in the conscripts, and as such there is very little reason for Alyx and Gordon to be doing anything elsewhere in the citadel, which a number of screenshots have shown.

A thought on dog finding Gordon in some "rubble". This doesn't even have to be Gordon being trapped as such. Perhaps Dog just uses his sensors (or should that be instinct? :p) to find Gordon and/or Alyx nearby at some point. Alyx and Eli's lines in the trailer don't have to have anything to do with the images they were shown with, but they'd make sense at the beginning.

One possible scenario: There'll be a cryptic G-Man intro, and Gordon and Alyx resume as they were at the end of Half-Life 2. The reactor then starts to explode and you're tossed right into the action, dodging exploding scenary until you can get somewhere safe. Alternatively, you're somewhere near the top of the Citadel, looking very much like the explosion threw you there. You shortly meet Alyx (who gets you out of a sticky situation by squishing a squad of Combine soldiers in a door or something), and you return to Breen's office and try to contact Eli from there. (prompting the "Alyx where are you?" line). You work your way down the Citadel, hitching a ride on the train. I think it's going to be interesting to find out what exactly forces your off of the train and into the city...
I can hardly wait, haha. My guess is that EITHER you wake up in the one doctor's lab, and of course something goes wrong, OR time is resumed from the original point and you just run from the reactor... I just read some of the FAQ's of aftermath. I have no connections or anything, it's just what I think. These are pretty much 100% guesses... is the G-Man from the original HL? Also, I would like to hear what riomhare thinks the train symbolizes. Sounds very interesting.

You put a lot of thought into this, didn't you? Haha, yeah that sounds realistic. About GMan (I would like to know who he is and if he is from original HL) having a cutscene, I don't think that will come until HL3, and it may be a new guy, that he sold you to. Not sure, just a complete guess!
Originally written by kupoartist

A thought on dog finding Gordon in some "rubble". This doesn't even have to be Gordon being trapped as such. Perhaps Dog just uses his sensors (or should that be instinct? ) to find Gordon and/or Alyx nearby at some point. Alyx and Eli's lines in the trailer don't have to have anything to do with the images they were shown with, but they'd make sense at the beginning.

This idea can't be possible, because all scenes in HL-games is seen from Gordons eyes. In that way, the most reasonable scenario is that Dog find Gordon under the debris. Though, discussed before, the location of this scene is unknown

Have no doubt in Valve Software!!
Oppressor said:
This idea can't be possible, because all scenes in HL-games is seen from Gordons eyes. In that way, the most reasonable scenario is that Dog find Gordon under the debris. Though, discussed before, the location of this scene is unknown
... Where did I ever even suggest that you saw the event from anyone but Gordon's eyes? You'd be walking along a sewer and suddenly you hear these earthquake level thuds. Rubble shoots down from above you and you look up, and there's Dog, trying to dig you out.

And another thing, you DO know what the "signature" is for in your public profile don't you? It must really suck having to type out "Have no doubt in Valve Software!!" in every single one of your posts :/
kupoartist said:
... Where did I ever even suggest that you saw the event from anyone but Gordon's eyes? You'd be walking along a sewer and suddenly you hear these earthquake level thuds. Rubble shoots down from above you and you look up, and there's Dog, trying to dig you out.

And another thing, you DO know what the "signature" is for in your public profile don't you? It must really suck having to type out "Have no doubt in Valve Software!!" in every single one of your posts :/
Didn't stop stop someone else doing a similar thing in over 3,000 posts
Maybe I just misunderstood your post then kupo. But i thought you meant it could be someone else under the rubble, right? And then my answer isn't wrong, no one else than Gordon could be under the rubble, as you suggested

And by the way, I'm a forum noob, sorry kupo. But i have fixed it now :p
You have to start on a train. This is half life. You always start on a train.
I would think you would start off in a vehicle (most likely razor train) after the G-man has done some speech or whatever. If you don't start off in a vehicle then I would actually be pissed, as starting off in one is a tradition of the HL series...
Darksabre said:
I would think you would start off in a vehicle (most likely razor train) after the G-man has done some speech or whatever. If you don't start off in a vehicle then I would actually be pissed, as starting off in one is a tradition of the HL series...
True, but equally, the tradition on Valve's side of things has actually only run for 2 games and they may make an exception for an expansion pack. It's worth noting that the convention kind of established for G-Man inititated endings was "end it on a vehicle", but Half-Life 2 has already done away with that. In a way, the Half-Life 2 opening indicated that Valve were beginning to dislike the idea. The train journey in Half-Life 2 was short to the point that it was mostly serving the tradition. That said, I would have loved to have had a longer trainride that showed us the sights of City 17, but it seems that Valve were more concerned with allowing that to unfold as we walked through it, which I can't really complain about. The trainrides originally suggested in Raising the Bar are numerous and considerably longer, perhaps even than the Black Mesa tram ride! Most start in the wastelands and have you going through each area of the City towards the station.

I just personally feel it's hard to imagine any transportation featuring in the opening scene of Aftermath, and I would hate Valve to just put it in for the sake of tradition, ruining more fruitful opportunities for exciting openings. But then, I'm not a professional design team that may well be able to crowbar a transportation sequence into the opening minutes of an expansion pack that the wider assumption places as starting in the Citadel. For all I know, they may be planning Gordon to ride bareback upon a captured headcrab canister aimed over the Combine wall by Resistance forces.
kupoartist said:
For all I know, they may be planning Gordon to ride bareback upon a captured headcrab canister aimed over the Combine wall by Resistance forces.

Shit I nearly pissed myself reading that :D

Anyway I see where you are coming from, good points (though I like the idea of this wasteland journey and "tour" of City 17 mentioned in RTB)