Start them off right with L4D!

Lol, cute, and I thought letting my 7 year old brother watch me play L4D was bad.
That was awesome... Though I do have some fears for the kid if he watched some fat guy vomit on 4 people, then explode in a cloud of blood...

Just sayin. :)
i think its time for you to show him army of darkness too! :D
I don't think children should be subjected to violence below 12-13. But hey, it's not my decision.
I don't think children should be subjected to violence below 12-13. But hey, it's not my decision.

absolutely, we should only start beating them at 14+. that said, if you get it in early it totally messes them up in later life.

oh wait hang on...
Hell, I was shown violence when I was around 10...that's why I'm posting form inside Prison!
Hell, I was shown violence when I was around 10...that's why I'm posting form inside Prison!

I've been playing violent games/watching violent movies since i was in nappies!
What does the hunter sound like?
