Starting a mod team for a Counter-Strike Source mod i have planed. [Read inside]


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Counter-Strike Source Mod

Below you will read why i would like to make this Mod and some details about the mod itself.


I have always thought cs was a very good game but was always missing something. I play cs competatively and am trying to run a team that will go far. When i take time off to have some fun and pub i always feel i cant injoy myself because its like a job im always thinking of how i need to improve aim or if im positioning myself correctly. Couple of months ago i had an idea but never really got to start it or write the details out untill now. The old time cs players would probably remember maps called Es_ standing for Escape maps. In these maps the Terrorists would have to escape from the Counter-Terrorists. When the Terrorists would reach the escape point they won. This never really caught on back then thats why they ended up taking it out of cs. The problem i feel about it was that the maps really werent made good plus the old hl engine made it look boring. There were no real vehicles and only really 2 maps that i remember officially being released.


What im planing on making is something similar to the old Es_ maps but a lot more detailed and fun using the Source engine. The way this mod will work is like this. There will be one T spawn Point and a number of ct spawn points around the map. The Ts will have to travel in a set path and escape from the cts. The cts will be placed in strategic points around them map. The maps will be well built with choke points and some more things i have in mind but wont share at this time. I have a draw out sketch for a map im going to start building. People who are interested in joining this mod team can mesg me for a scan of the map layout/detail. This sounds simple but it surely isnt. The maps will be extremely detailed, spawn points for the cts will be placed a very interesting and smart points.

What i need to be able to do:

1. Able to make costom vehicles
2. Ammo crates that hold a designated amount of Grenades or smokes.
3. Code to make the Terrorists win once they have reached a point on the map.
4. Costom guns mounted on costom vehicles
5. Teleports (Still thinking if i really need this, not final)
6. Weapon placement

People i need for mod:

- I will be a level designer and person who gives input for mod.
- 1 or more level designers. (besides me)
- 1 or more programmers
- 1 or more modellers (For ingame custom vehicles road blocks etc.)

Everyone that is part of the mod team will have equal say. Everyone can give input and their own opinions. Im not a boss, i will be part of the mod team like everyone else.

Who ever is interested in this email/aim me at:

- [email protected]
- Ksm Slipknot

If you are interested i will send you the map layout i have as of now with more details about the mod. Future ideas i would like to add and some very interesting ideas i would like to implement upon release of the mod.

If you would like to talk to me over voice. Download this free program and email/aim me with a time date and we will set up a meeting.
Waited forever no one replyed so im going to bump it. I really want to start this mod :/
easy way to make the T's win when they reach a point, just trigger all the CT's to die :p
holy_cheese said:
easy way to make the T's win when they reach a point, just trigger all the CT's to die :p

Sry dont think thats a good idea :/
And I'd guess none of you have looked at the code.

They didn't supply CS:S code in the SDK, so unless you're rewriting CS:S from the ground up, you've not got a leg to stand on.

-Angry Lawyer