Stealing from CS:S

Fluffy Kitten

Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
While thinking of ways to lazy my way through making version 1 of a mod the other day, I started to wonder... with CS:S being HL2's multiplayer, does that mean its textures / models / etc are all fair game for "recycling" ?
They always have been. Any official mod for HL was "fair game" for HL mods.
Really ?
Huh, I could've sworn I'd seen mass forum lynching when someone shows off their new map for a random mod that happens to use CS's grass texture or some such thing.
Might have been from Condition Zero. I'm pretty sure you can't use content from that that isn't already in CS.
what does the eula say?

sometimes the communities views are differnt then from what the laws views are. And since the EULA for HL and CS do allow use in the terms of maps and mods. It would be safe to say that yes you can use those texs as long as the remain bundled as they were distributed (in the the original pak's). Where you break the rule/law is redistributong a tex with out permission (in any form)

I have a feeling the hl2 and css EULA permits usage in a mapping

the above would be false if using IP from differnt IP holders. Example using ID's Quake texs and Valve's CS texs almost gurantess a violation of the EULA and thus the IP rights because they are seperate corpoarte entities and may even distributed by seoerate entities further causeing more issues. A more radical example would be Quake and Unreal

I'm not a lawyer and if your concerned about legalities contact valve, or whomever holds the IP rights to what your trying to do. They will usually be pretty quick to give you what is deemed acceptable use.